The feed table summarizes available information on chemical composition, digestibility and energy values of locally available feed-stuff resources in the region. Handbook 8, “Composition of Foods. The proposed composition vectors are in general highly correlated with those that we published in 1988. 2012 Feed Composition Tables. This is a PDF version of the 2016 feed composition tables provided by BEEF magazine. FCTs provide information relating to nutrient composition of foods with specific reference to energy, nutrients (e.g. Consensus Study Report: Consensus Study Reports published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine document the evidence-based consensus on the study’s statement of task by an authoring committee of experts.Reports typically include findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on information gathered by the committee and the committee’s deliberations. The nutrient composition of the inthefollowingtablewascom­ piledfrom(1)informationcontainedin The chemical composition and the digestibilities values in the present tables were compared to the ones in previous tables: the INRA 1988 tables, the Dutch tables from CVB (2000) and older German tables (Schiemann et al., 1971). The relative value of a feed ingredient is used to compare the value of that feed to the price of the industry standard energy and protein supplying ingredients delivered to the farm. The data obtained by INRA for about 50 feed materials (Noblet et al., unpublished) made possible to estimate DEdiff for all the products in the tables (values vary between 0 to 8.4). Actual analysis of a feed to be used in a ration composition. The INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ feed tables contain chemical data, nutritional data and environmental data of feeds for ruminants, pigs, poultry, rabbits, horses and fish (salmonids). Or view the interactive data table online here. protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals) and other .Raw, Processed, Prepared,” commonly referred to as “Handbook 8,” and its revised sections, which are out of print. 2 CVB is an activity of the Federatie Nederlandse Diervoederketen (FND) With respect to content the activity is carried out by Wageningen Livestock Research They include values about more than 200 feeds of plant and animal origin and 100 mineral sources. CVB Feed Table 2018 Chemical composition and nutritional values of feedstuffs September 2018 CVB Internet: . . To download this easy-to-view print version of the highly valued feed nutritional tables, please register now. CP % UIP % CF % ADF % NDF % eNDF % EE % ASH % Ca % P % K % Cl % S % Zn ppm Bone Meal Steamed, Swine/Poultry 95 16 27 0 11 13 1 0 0 0 11.6 77 27.00 12.74 0.2 2.50 290 Table 1, Nutrient Composition and Suggested Maximum Inclusion Rates of Alternative Feed Ingredients for Swine, lists relative values of feeds Unlike chemicals that are “chemically pure” and therefore have a constant composition, feeds vary in their composition for many reasons. Food composition tables (FCTs) are considered as an essential tool for planning interventions in food security, nutrition and health. Feed Composition Table Feedcompositiontables usually provideuseful informationon composi­ tionof concentrates,and they can providesome useful informationon compositionof forages when laboratory analysesare not available. Special-interest tables—such as Isoflavone Content of Foods—are also published on the NDL web site. Table Values for Feedstuff Composition Feedstuffs vary in composition. This is the real reason for information on feedstuff composition. Perusing through this Feed Table, it is clear that there are some gaps and these calls for further research by National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in the region to fill the gaps. 66 March 2012 Nutrition ENERGY PROTEIN FIBER FEEDSTUFF DM % TDN % NE m NE g NE l (Mcal/cwt.)
2020 2018 feed composition table pdf