Expert guidance is needed for infections not responding to treatment, including antifungal-resistant infections. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Se presentó un caballo macho castrado de 16 años de raza del Fiordo con sospecha de disfunción de la pars intermedia de la pituitaria (PPID) para la evaluación de una masa no dolorosa, firme y elevada que afectaba el ala lateral de la fosa nasal derecha y el labio. Aspergillus terreus is not as common as other Aspergillus species to cause opportunistic infections in animals and humans. Fungal culture identified the causative organism as Aspergillus terreus, which is not known for its propensity to cause either dermal granulomas or mycetoma in domestic animals. El examen citológico de la masa mostró marcada inflamación piogranulomatosa y el examen histopatológico reveló un micetoma fúngico. Investigação posterior, incluindo teste de estimulação por TRH, levou ao diagnóstico de PPID (síndrome de Cushing), que pode ter causado imunossupressão no animal, aumentando a sua suscetibilidade à infecção. Allergic types of aspergillosis: the antifungal medication itraconazole , … Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Aspergillus terreus isolates were identified through their morphological characteristics and using molecular methods. A negative culture with a positive KOH may point to a NDM including Aspergillus spp., as the causative agent of onychomycosis. • The frequency of A. terreus infections varies from 3%–12.5% [ 5–9 ]. Case presentation A 26-year-old man with a history of consanguineous par-ents (cousins) was referred with weight loss, fever, hepa-tosplenomegaly and coughing. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that A. terreus is dis… NOM : Aspergillusspp. Une culture fongique a identifié Aspergillus terreus comme l'organisme responsable bien qu'il ne soit pas reconnu comme pouvant entrainer des granulomes ou des mycétomes chez l'animal domestique. Aspergillus fumigatusis the major cause of invasive aspergillosis, followed by Aspergillus terreusand Aspergillus flavus. Onychomycosis due to infection with Aspergillus spp. Exposure to Aspergillus is not likely to cause problems in the majority of people whose immune systems are healthy. Many experimental and clinical studies have tried to establish a relationship between MICs and outcome in serious fungal infections but have come to contradictory and even surprising conclusions. The therapy success in IA by Aspergillus terreus is determined by many factors. Um equino macho castrado, da raça Fjord com suspeita de disfunção pituitária da pars intermedia (PPID) foi apresentado para avaliação de uma massa firme, elevada e não dolorosa envolvendo a face lateral da narina direita. Exame citológico da massa revelou inflamação piogranulomatosa e a histopatologia revelou um micetoma fúngico. The molecule was first named mevinolin entering the market in 1987 and became a blockbuster, with annual sales of over one billion dollars … El cultivo fúngico identificó el organismo causal como Aspergillus terreus, que no es conocido por ser propenso a causar granulomas dérmicos o micetomas en animales domésticos. It is rarely found in the acidic forest soils from the colder temperate zone. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. What are treatment options for an Aspergillus infection? • The use of posaconazole for the treatment of IA by A. terreus is promising. On Czapek or malt extract agar (MEA) medium at 25 °C (77 °F), colonies have the conditions to grow rapidly and have smooth-like walls. The … If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, The most common and successful conventional treatment of aspergillosis is a generic drug called itraconazole, which is a triazole type of anti-fungal. Le traitement est basé sur lemploi de corticostéroïdes par aérosols ou par voie orale, surtout durant les crises. O micetoma é uma lesão cutânea/subcutânea crônica, proliferativa e caracterizada por tratos fistulosos com secreção contendo grânulos, causados por actinomicetos (actinomicetoma) ou fungos filamentosos (micetoma eumicótico). Aspergillus lung infections are fairly common in those with weakened immune systems, such as AIDS and chemotherapy patients. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Guttural pouch diseases in horses: A challenging differential diagnosis. Other drugs used to treat aspergillosis include itraconazole, amphotericin B, caspofungin, micafungin, and posaconazole. Aspergillus terreus is a fungus that is widespread throughout the world and found in warm arable soils; and found more commonly in cultivated soils than the forest. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Topical treatment with 1% Pimafucin in a mixture of 60% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and 40% water as well as 9% aqueous solution of sodium benzoate were both effective. Aspergillus terreus is an emerging pathogen which commonly occurs in infections of immunocompromised individuals and is associated with high mortality. doit être recherchée chez les patients inscrits sur les listes dattente de transplantation pulmonaire et nécessite un traitement antifongique. Although the outcome of IA is largely determined by the persistence of the underlying disease or immunosuppression, factors related to the fungus also play a role. L'examen cytologique de la masse a révélé une inflammation pyogranulomateuse et l'examen histopathologique a révélé un mycétome fongique. Of special interest are the fungistatic activites of these drugs against A. terreus and the high interpatient variability of serum drug levels observed in therapy based on triazoles, which make monitoring of infected patients necessary. For years, investigative studies on the failure of therapy of fungal infections have focused on in vitro susceptibility data. El caballo fue tratado con éxito con pergolida para la PPID y yoduro de potasio oral, con buena respuesta terapéutica y sin recaídas después de cinco meses. Voriconazole PK interpatient variability is determined by CYP2C19 polymorphisms. Low antifungal MICs are not definitive markers of A. terreus susceptibility. No se realizó debridamiento quirúrgico o excisión. Early diagnosis is often difficult and in up to 50% of cases the etiologic agent is not recovered in culture [1]. Es wurde kein chirurgisches Debridement oder eine Exzision durchgeführt. Treatment options depend on the aspergillosis disease type and severity. Prolonged treatment is usually required. Morphological Identification: On Czapek Dox agar, colonies are typically suede-like and cinnamon-buff to sand-brown in colour with a yellow to deep dirty brown reverse. Valentina Salas, F. Javier Pastor, M. M. Rodríguez, Enrique Calvo, Emilio Mayayo, Josep Guarro, In Vitro Activity and In Vivo Efficacy of Posaconazole in Treatment of Murine Infections by Different Isolates of the Aspergillus terreus Complex , Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 10.1128/AAC.00736-10, 55, 2, (676-679), (2010). Distinctive featuresVelutinous colonies formed at both 25°C and 37°C, uniformly brown, with no other colouration, and minute conidia borne in long columns make Aspergillus terreus a distinctive species. 菌腫は、放線菌(放線菌腫)または糸状真菌(真菌性菌腫)によって引き起こされる瘻管および肉芽腫を特徴とする皮膚/皮下組織の慢性の増殖性病変である。, 本症例報告では、フィヨルド・ホースの去勢馬の右鼻孔の外側翼に認められた非一般的な皮膚菌腫の所見を記述する。, 下垂体中間部の機能障害(PPID)が疑われた16歳のフィヨルド・ホースの去勢雄が、右鼻孔の外側翼と口唇を巻き込む、痛みを伴わない、固く隆起した腫瘤の評価のために来院した。, 腫瘤の細胞診検査では顕著な化膿性肉芽腫性の炎症が認められ、病理組織学的検査では真菌性菌腫が明らかになった。真菌の培養検査によって、原因菌はAspergillus terreusと同定された。Aspergillus terreusが家畜の真皮に肉芽腫や菌腫を引き起こすことはこれまで報告されていない。TRH刺激試験を含む更なる検査により、PPID(クッシング病)が診断され、このことが患畜の免疫抑制および易感染性傾向をもたらした可能性がある。, 患馬は経口ヨウ化カリウム、およびPPIDに対してはペルゴリドにて治療され、良好な治療反応を示した。5ヶ月後までに再発は認められなかった。外科的な掻爬や切除は行われなかった。著者らの知る限りでは、これはA. Surgical debridement or excision was not performed.; Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, and Employee Health, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas. Despite the use of recommended therapies, invasive infections by Aspergillus terreus show a poor response. Nach bestem Wissen der Autoren handelt es sich hierbei um den ersten Fallbericht eines kutanen Mycetoms, welches durch A. terreus bei einem Pferd verursacht worden war. After a 2-week antifungal scheme, the fungus was identified as Aspergillus terreus. Treatment with itraconazole has variable success. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case report of a cutaneous mycetoma caused by A. terreus in a horse. However, people with chronic lung problems or people with weak immune systems may be at greater risk for developing the infection. Aspergillus most commonly enters the human body via inhalation. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Aspergillus terreus was isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and its presence was confirmed by sequencing. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Il s’agit d’espèces anamorphes (asexuées) ayant des formes télomorphes connues ou présumées dans la famille des TrichocomaceaeNote de bas de page 1. terreus has an inhibitory effect on the growth of dermatophytes and Scopulariopis brevicaulis. Further investigation, including a TRH stimulation test, led to a diagnosis of PPID (Cushing's disease), which may have led to immunosuppression of the animal and increased susceptibility to infection. A total of 2485 samples were obtained. As an opportunistic pathogen, it is able to cause both systemic and superficial infections. Un hongre Fjord de 16 ans suspecté de PPID (pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction) a été présenté pour examen d'une masse alopécique, ferme, non douloureuse évoluant au niveau de l'aile de la narine droite et de la lèvre. Systemic antifungal therapy Itraconazole can be used for superficial otitis externa, but any invasion, including perforation of the tympanic membrane should be treated with voriconazole. La colonisation bronchique par Aspergillus spp. In contrast to Aspergillus fumigatus, A. terreus infections are associated with high dissemination rates and poor response to antifungal treatment. No growth at 5°C. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. The therapy success in IA by Aspergillus terreus is determined by many factors. Ce cas clinique décrit des données inhabituelles d'un mycétome cutané de l'aile latéral de la narine droite d'un hongre. Unlike other Aspergillus species causing opportunistic infections in animals and humans commonly, infections caused by A. terreus is increasing more rapidly and has been considered an emerging agent of infection. Aspergillus ustus tends to have relatively lower susceptibility to multiple different antifungal agents, and susceptibility testing should be performed for this organism. O cavalo foi tratado com pergolida para para a PPID e iodeto de potássio por via oral, com boa resposta terapêutica e sem recidiva após cinco meses. Until recently, species identification was sufficient to guide antifungal therapy, b… Computed tomography imaging was done, revealing a 70 cc hematoma in the right operculoinsular region, midline shift, and a 9 mm saccular aneurysm at the bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery. Further investigation, including a TRH stimulation test, led to a diagnosis of PPID (Cushing's disease), which may have led to immunosuppression of the animal and increased susceptibility to infection. Sputum and BAL culture yielded Aspergillus ochraceus and Aspergillus terreus, which were both sensitive to itraconazole and voriconazole. The treatment was switched to voriconazole and the patient showed significant clinical, serological and mycological improvement after three months. A. flavus or Aspergillus terreus are the most frequent causes of primary infection. Colonies on malt extract agar grow faster and sporulate more densely than on many other media. Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger , and Aspergillus terreus are the most common species causing IA [ 5 , 6 ], but most studies identify A. fumigatus or A. flavus as the etiological agent in the majority of cases. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a first-line antifungal that has been applied in clinics for decades to treat severe fungal infections, like invasive aspergillosis. Mycetoma es una lesión crónica proliferativa de tejido cutáneo/subcutáneo caracterizada por drenajes y gránulos en el exudado causado por actinomicetos (actinomicetoma) u hongos filamentosos (micetoma eumicótico). Cytological examination of the mass showed marked pyogranulomatous inflammation and histopathological examination revealed a fungal mycetoma. This case report describes the unusual finding of a cutaneous mycetoma of the lateral wing of the right nostril in a gelding. Treatment depends on the causative species and the severity of the disease. Localised cellulitis is usually followed by development of a necrotic ulcer. Este não é conhecido pela sua probabilidade de causar granulomas dérmicos ou micetomas em animais domésticos. Conidial heads are compact, columnar (up to 500 x 30-50 µm in diameter) and biseriate. Aspergillus infections may be resistant to clotrimazole and may require the use of oral itraconazole. Die zytologische Untersuchung der Masse zeigte eine deutliche pyogranulomatöse Entzündung und die histopathologische Untersuchung zeigte ein Mycetom. Treatment consists of systemic therapy with terbinafine or itraconazole. From 124 NDM confirmed cultures, 23 were identified as A. terreus (18.5%). A la connaissance des auteurs, ceci est le premier cas de mycétome cutané du à A. terreus chez un cheval. Este relato de caso descreve um achado raro de um micetoma cutâneo na face lateral da narina direita de um cavalo. People with weakened immune systems include those people taking chemotherapy or those who have had organ transplants. C'était aussi la première source pour la mévinoline ( lovastatine ), un médicament utilisé pour abaisser le taux sérique de cholestérol . Fax: (713) 792‐8233. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Fungal culture identified the causative organism as Aspergillus terreus , which is not known for its propensity to cause either dermal granulomas or mycetoma in domestic animals. Mycetoma is a chronic, proliferative lesion of cutaneous/subcutaneous tissue characterized by draining tracts and granules in the discharge caused by actinomycetes (actinomycetoma) or filamentous fungi (eumycotic mycetoma). Aspergillus terreus is brownish in colour and gets darker as it ages on culture media. Un débridement chirurgical ou une exérèse n'a pas été réalisée. RG-2 organism. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by a type of mold. Primary skin infection can lead to invasive aspergillosis, particularly if the patient is immunocompromised . Working off-campus? Oral antifungal therapy or surgery to remove the nail may be required. Die PPID des Pferdes wurde medizinisch erfolgreich mit Pergolid und Kaliumbromid per os behandelt. Aspergillus terreus est une moisissure couramment utilisée dans l'industrie pour produire d'importants acides organiques, tels que l' acide itaconique et l' acide cis-aconitique. To try to understand this poor response to treatment, available data on the in vitro susceptibility of A. terreus, the experimental and clinical response to amphotericin B, triazoles and echinocandins, and the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of these antifungals have been reviewed. A cultura fúngica identificou Aspergillus terreus como o agente causador. Es bestand eine gute therapeutische Reaktion und kein Wiederauftreten nach fünf Monaten. Le genre Aspergillus est subdivi… Positive cultures were obtained in 1639 samples. terreusによって引き起こされた馬の皮膚の真菌性菌腫の最初の症例報告である。, 足菌肿是一种皮肤/皮下组织的慢性、增生性病变,以放线菌(放线菌性足菌肿)和丝状真菌(真菌性足菌肿)引起的窦道和带颗粒的分泌物为特征。, 一只疑似患有垂体中间部功能障碍(PPID)的16岁峡湾马,对其右侧鼻孔和嘴唇侧翼上的无痛性、坚实且凸起的团块进行评估。, 团块的细胞学检查结果显示明显的脓性肉芽肿性炎症,组织病理学检查发现真菌性足菌肿病,真菌培养鉴定发现病原微生物为土曲霉。目前,对该菌在家畜上引发真皮肉芽肿或足菌肿的易感性并不清楚。进一步调查包括TRH刺激试验,用于诊断PPID(库兴氏病),该病可能导致动物的免疫抑制并增加感染风险。, 使用培高利特,该马匹的PPID获得成功治疗,同时服用碘化钾,取得良好疗效,五个月之后并无复发。本病例未进行手术清创或切除。根据作者的了解,这是第一例由土曲霉引起的马皮肤足菌肿病例。.
2020 aspergillus terreus treatment