Silkie chickens of any kind are popular choices for backyard flocks, but bantam birds tend to be the most popular. Things like letting the chickens out of the coop in the morning, filling feed & refreshing waterers, collecting eggs, and basic cleaning tasks. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, don’t worry! There are plenty of friendly pet chicken breeds out there for you to consider as you build a docile, fun-loving flock of backyard chickens. That being said, these chickens aren’t the best for raising in hot climates, as they have lots of fluff that can cause them to overheat during the worst parts of summer. Chickens vs Guinea Hens: How to Choose Which to Raise, Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock (How-To Guide). Great treat—provides protein and it’s fun to watch the chickens catch them. These aren’t the greatest egg layers, but they sure are fun and definitely unique. Home » 5 of Our Favorite & Best Chickens for Pets. They are very comparable to our Rhode Island Reds in this regards. Eggs: Hard-cooked and scrambled are a good source of protein, and a favorite treat. They are so tiny (often less than a pound or two!) Best Chickens for Beginners Faverolle Chickens. “Chickens aren’t pets. A docile, tame, and friendly bird, this chicken enjoys being handled – and it especially loves to cuddle! Chickens help till up soil and prep the gardens, Keeping chickens helps aid in self sufficiency, Chickens provide great therapy, stress relief, and companionship. Disclosure: Boots & Hooves Homestead may earn a commission for purchases made after clicking links on this page. They have silky feathers that are more like puff balls than actual feathers, and they even have feathered legs. They are excellent layers that produce about 250 brown eggs each year. Spring time is almost here and chick days are starting to pop up at all of the local feed stores. Native to Australia, they do well in just about any type of climate. They need to be kept out of inclement weather, too, since their feathers aren’t like those of other chickens. best-case scenario, a lot of contradictory information. Become a sustainable agriculture rockstar by finding silkie chickens for sale, easter eggers for sale (rainbow chicken), even fancy chickens! Chicken Supplies. Think of chickens … Quality of our chicken … Here are a few reasons why you should consider adding some chickens to your homestead. The Rhode Island Reds have also been a top egg layer for our family. This is another super sweet and gentle chicken breed. The roof pitch of pet crate allows for water, debris and light snow to run off instead of accumulating on the roof. Available in black, blue, or white, these chickens are good foragers, too. But the breeds that become pets… You will need to provide them with low perches or even with dog beds in which to sleep. Broodiness and mothering ability also comes into play when you are looking for the most friendly chicken breed. Most hens begin laying eggs at 5 to 7 months of age. This is such a fun breed. Silkies are also healthy, and love spending time with people. Large chickens can be wonderfully friendly also! Interestingly, Silkies have five toes per foot. In this post, I’m sharing our favorite friendly chicken breeds that make the best pets. "Pick a Chicken!" Best Breed of Chicken for Pets. You’ll hear a ton of opinions from various Faverolles come in many colors, but the most popular is salmon. They are also quite hardy to the elements. Their... 2) Speckled Sussex. The Brahma chicken is not only one of the most massive chicken breeds out there, but it’s also a great chicken for people seeking a friendly, cold-hardy breed. So, having the right breeds in our flock is important. They’re for eggs and meat.” Chickens come in many breeds, and they serve multiple purposes. A calm, curious breed, the Barbu D’Uccle is known to occasionally fly but also does well in confinement. The White Leghorn is a productive chicken that can produce about 280 white eggs each year. Hold it for about a minute until it recognizes your dominance. Go now. There are a ton of varieties of Orpington chickens, but the Buff Orpington chicken tends to be one of the easiest to come by. They may peck your hand as you try to feed them, or they may chase other chickens around the yard. There are … However, it is common for many people to choose names people associate with chickens … Aggression in chickens can be caused by a variety of factors, including those that are genetic (related to breed), hormonal, behaviorally reinforced, or instinctive. The 16 Friendliest Pet Chicken Breeds 1. Individual chicken breeds are also known for their unique personalities. Submitted by Bud Savoie on December 28, 2018 - 8:48am. Silkie chickens also have blue earlobes, black skin, and black bones. ), Raising Chickens – Resources to Get Started, How to Keep Chickens Cool During the Summer. These chickens come in many colors, including laced color Here are a few more very popular breeds you may want to consider. That being said, the Silkie chicken is a great Instead, at the first sign of dominance, establish yourself at the top of the pecking order by grabbing the aggressive chicken by the feet and turning it upside down. Stand as tall as possible and if you can, avoid using a boot or stick as a protection measure – chickens often view these measures as threats. Best Chickens for Pets. Brahmas … I find our silkie hens to be the best mamas. However, they aren’t as productive as the Rhode Island Reds. Chickens of this breed have feathered crests that can sometimes obscure their vision, making them a bit nervous around people. Silkies can be bearded or non-bearded, but they come in a variety of plumages. This little bird is sure to make a great companion for you and your family. Polish chickens are gaining popularity as backyard chicken breeds, largely because they have a bizarre appearance that is prized by new chicken keepers. This ornamental breed is not a great egg layer, producing only a couple of eggs each year. They are charming and colorful themselves, too, and although they vary widely in appearance, they don’t vary quite as much in regards to their dispositions. Chickens for sale directly from chicken hatcheries near you. It is best to collect your chickens… They're large, friendly birds with golden feathers who are curious and incredibly lovable, plus they enjoy … The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. Chickenistas unite!. They love to be held and cuddled and enjoy being a lap chicken often hopping up for a snooze! There are breeds who primarily produce eggs and/or become the meat in your kuey png—like Golden Comets and Rhode Island Reds.. A unique French chicken breed, this bird stands out as it has five toes instead of the standard four. Noise doesn’t always necessarily correlate with personality, but often, the quietest chicken breeds are some of the most friendly. Best of all, Sultan chickens are docile and calm. You may need to repeat this process several times. Children and chickens seem to go hand in hand. So which chicken breeds are best to raise and keep as pets? They are also known as a gentle giant. We have the best selection of quality, American-made chicken coops on the web, for up to forty chickens. There are plenty of friendly chickens that are also great egg layers and meat producers, too. They are extremely popular as pets, especially children’s pets. Then, tuck it under your arm like a football. A few breeds or hybrids that deserve honorable mention are: The Silkie The Cinnamon Queen The Australorp The Easter Egger The Leghorn The Barnevelder For example, think about how your chicken breed of choice will interact with other members of the flock – as well as chickens of other breeds. Buff Orpington. specific breed or genetics. Some breeds are naturally more aggressive, while others will be friendly or better at other things – like foraging. Barbu D’Uccles are native to Belgium, specifically from the area near Uccle. However, once you trim the crest back, your chickens will not only be able to see better but will also be less nervous around you. These chickens, originally from England, are the golden retrievers of the chicken world. They are small, docile, and incredibly sweet. Plymouth Rocks are easy to find, which is great news – they’re one of the friendliest chicken breeds you’ll find and one you’ll definitely want to consider adding to your backyard flock. Finally, if you plan on raising a friendly chicken breed as a pet, you will want to consider how easy it is to train. There are some things you can do to regularly to ensure that your chickens … Brahma chickens are large, calm, and hardy chickens. backyard chicken owners, band to be fair, the disposition of a chicken has more 5 of Our Favorite & Best Chickens for Pets, « Most Toxic Items in the Home (and what to replace them with!