100 grams of fresh … Basically this works by enhancing the conversion of T4 into T3. This herb is known for its immune-boosting properties. With Graves’ disease we want to manage the symptoms and find the underlying cause of the autoimmunity’s. “How do you test for Epstein-Barr virus and H. Pylori?” That’s a good question. This article, written by our staff, is free and open source. It’s also good for prostate issues but it also works well with Hashimoto’s. The helicolbacter pylori, it’s a bacteria in the stomach. For non-autoimmune hypothyroidism, the herbs can give a nice boost to the gland, not really a long term solution. Generally, studies show elderberry can reduce your symptoms of flu virus infections. (Healthier!) 6 Life Changes that Reduce Inflammation Fast! We’re in this digital age now where we can get a lot of information out to a lot of people very easily and very effectively. Let’s talk a little bit about Graves’ disease which hyperthyroidism. T4 is the inactive form of thyroid hormone and then the body converts T4 into T3 which is the active form. So, is it safe for autoimmune disease? The stool test is highly sensitive for H. Pylori and then the blood tells us if it’s gone systemic because H. Pylori can actually get out of the stomach and become a systemic issue. Licorice also contains glycerrhetinic acid — a compound that has been researched for its potential to inhibit the growth of certain types of thyroid cancers. There are many spices that can benefit your health. So, while they were studying it they found out a lot of great things about Eleuthero. So these are great herbs if you have general hypothyroidism that’s non-autoimmune in nature. It is a small tree that is often planted by landscapers due to its beautiful clusters of white flowers and ornamental berries. Drinking this herb in the form of a tea is thought to be the most beneficial. An underactive thyroid can cause fatigue, and licorice can help. And alcohol-based tinctures, these are highly effective. Those who have an overactive thyroid can use the root of the herb to promote thyroid health. The adrenals must be in balance. Hashimoto's Disease – Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Dr. Hedberg provides world-wide, virtual health consultations. Elderberry is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when the leaves, stems, unripened fruit, or uncooked fruit is consumed. L-Carnitine has been shown at about two to four grams a day to significantly reduce the symptoms of Graves’ disease. Schisandra? So, if you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s hypothyroid, then yes, that’s going to make it even worse so you want to avoid those. I did mention boosting glutathione when we talked about hypothyroidism so we use a lot of N-acetyl-cysteine and whey protein and selenium and things like that. Most recommendations are taking the recommended amount … Required fields are marked *. Let’s talk about elderberry to start. I also lost a lot of muscle mass. Your thyroid attacks and “kills” the hormones as they are released. Go ahead and download the basal body temperature tracking forms from the website. My doses work to keep TSH at about 0.9 for best results. They say A Underactive Thyriod is a Disease, I disagree. Mary Shomon put together this comprehensive primer about COVID-19 for thyroid patients. It’s an anti-histamine, an anti-inflammatory and it really helps to balance the immune system. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family, and it’s considered to be a calming herb. It breaks down the mucus membrane and then the H. Pylori is opportunistic so it grows and eats away at the lining of the stomach. Dr. Hedberg is the founder of the Immune Restoration Center in Asheville, NC where he consults with patients worldwide. Immune Restoration Center2 Walden Ridge Dr. #90Asheville, North Carolina 28803, Telephone: +1 (828) 254-4024Facsimile: 828-202-8084. Let’s just briefly talk about the best way to take all of these herbs. They carry a variety of brands that we use. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. That can actually be Yersinia and Yersinia is transferred just by contaminated food or water, hand to mouth. If I am taking thyroxin tables 125 mg & 25 mg . That really has been the best way to do questions because it allows the questions to be concise and I can answer them very quickly so I’ll let you know when that is going to happen. How Your Gut Microbiota Affects Your Thyroid, Autoimmune Paleo Diet and Hashimoto’s Disease. Many of elderberry's health benefits can be attributed to anthocyanin. Elderberries are a low-calorie food packed with antioxidants. Guggulipid, Commiphora mukul is another classic hypothyroid herb. That’s a good question. With Graves’ they’re always hyperthyroid so you have too much thyroid hormone so the metabolism is revved up. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.. Common side … Like Ashwagandha it is an adrenal adaptogen. One of things that Schisandra does is it helps to raise glutathione. Sometimes we’ll have people take it five to six times a day for two or three days and then drop back to about three times a day. Elderberry is an antioxidant, and researchers think the compound that makes it blue lowers inflammation. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. A big part of that is because Bladderwrack contains iodine and that’s why we don’t have Bladderwrack recommended under Hashimoto’s because in Hashimoto’s you don’t want to take too much iodine. We talked about why that was important, because T4 is inactive and T3 is active so we want to enhance that conversion. Fatigue because you can’t make energy, constipation because thyroid hormone drives foods movement through the intestine so that can become sluggish. DGL also known as Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice, Vitamin C and then Methylmethioninesulfonium, all of these will inhibit H. Pylori growth. N-acetyl-cysteine will also help to increase glutathione and that just helps to balance the immune system and it reduces inflammation in the thyroid gland which is a big part of what we’re trying to do with Hashimoto’s, that is to decrease that inflammation hence we can spare the gland for as long as possible. It can work well for men and women to enhance sex drive. And for those of you who don’t know the Epstein-Barr virus is the virus that causes what we call mono or mononucleosis or the kissing disease. Thanks, Your website is very informative Thank you very much Mary, Hi, what protocol would be recommended for subclinical hyperthyroidism. Every patient is going to be different. This underacttive Thyriod . I found this post very informative since I used to take Nature-Throid as well, and found that my thyroid … “Could some of the herbs used for Graves’ be counterproductive for Hashimoto’s?” Yes, definitely because the herbs for Graves’ disease are basically for hyperthyroidism where there is too much thyroid hormone and in Hashimoto’s you have hypothyroidism so yes, even if you don’t have a thyroid problem, taking those herbs will inhibit the thyroid function. There are so many chemicals in our environment that the thyroid is very sensitive to and Blue Flag can help to detox those out of the glands. my doctor . We have a bunch coming in here. In Hashimoto’s people might start off more hyper and then they eventually go to hypothyroid. Thyroid disorders, it’s a big topic. For H. Pylori, Matsic gum, zinc carnosine and berberine. It does help to balance the way your body responds to stress, that’s basically what an adrenal adaptogen is. I have still got a lot of living to do & it’s trying to slow me down . One is by adding a good whey protein to your diet. It’s also known as Chaparral. In hyperthyroidism, the symptoms are going to be the opposite of hypothyroidism. So Lemon-balm is another great herb. It's not known if taking elderberry juice extract is safe when used for longer periods of time. If T3 levels are low, Ashwagandha can help in that regard. Bladderwrack also has some compounds in it that support the thyroid so just an overall simulator and supporter of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, causing the body’s functions to speed up, including metabolism and heart rate. Then for H. Pylori, we do blood and we do a stool test. L-Carnitine works by inhibiting T3 uptake into the cell. Elderberry side effects. Here’s another good question. "The most cost effective and the most result effective path you can take to good health.". ” I wish I could be helped . I’m just getting a lot of thank you’s from everyone. We’re looking at IGG and IGM anti-bodies so that’s done in the blood, that’s fairly straight forward. Just to mention, hypothyroidism, the symptoms are going to be anything related to a sluggish metabolism so you might be very cold, cold hands and feet. Eleuthero has also been shown to be a mono-amine oxidation inhibitor which basically means that it enhances serotonin so that can help with mood especially if someone has depression. Again, this is being recorded and it will be up on the website and on YouTube in the next couple of days. It explains how to do that and so what we do is we look at this over a week or two and I can tell if the thyroid issue is more thyroid related or if the issue is more adrenal related. Licorice helps to promote thyroid hormone regulation while also providing a gentle energy boost. The thyroid Peroxidase and the anti-thyroid globulin antibody to make the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s. I think that these are great way to educate everyone on different topics. Let’s go ahead and bring out that slide show. Thank you for joining us and stayed tuned. Elderberry suggested uses include for treatment and prevention of the common cold, cough and flu symptoms, sinusitis, as an immunostimulant, and treating mouth ulcers and tonsillitis.Suggested uses for elderberry extract include reducing the damaging effects of LDL cholesterol, and protection as an antioxidant.Suggested uses for elderberry … Approximately 28 million Americans have a thyroid issue so it’s something that we need to know about. Ashwagandha has also been used as an aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic medicine. The things we focus on with Hashimoto’s is a gluten-free diet, good vitamin D levels, things like that. Dry, brittle hair and nails, depression, so a lot of things related to hypothyroidism. H. Pylori tends to be the big player in Graves’ disease. Those will be very helpful. I know know why my speech is a bit slow as well as it can effect my brain all to do with my Metabolism. How Bad Could a Berry Be? Its content of bioflavonoids, antioxidants and vitamin A makes it awesome for skin health. With Graves’ we’ll use Bugleweed, a classic herb for hyperthyroidism and in Graves’ disease there is antibodies usually against thyroid stimulating hormone receptors and Bugleweed helps to block that action. Ashwagandha will enhance the conversion of T4 into T3. Usually one dropper full, one squeeze is about 30 drops and so if you’re 100 pounds you take about 30, if you’re 150 pounds you take about 60 drops, if you’re 200 pounds about 90 and so you kind of adjust it from there. One way is just eating more protein. Why don’t we go ahead and start with Hashimoto’s. Too much thyroid hormone can kill you and result in death or being rushed to the emergency room. Thank you everyone for coming. Capsules on average for any of these herbs, you want to take about four to six capsules a day depending on how much is in it and you want to look for a standardized extract or just a whole herb from a viable source. This is Dr. Nikolas Hedberg and tonight we’re talking about herbal medicines for thyroid disorders. It is possible to go in and take the Ashwagandha, the Schisandrea, Nettles, the Blue Flag and stuff like that and it’s really not going to hurt anything. If you would like to try those supplements you would need to discuss it with your doctor who prescribed the medication to be sure there aren’t any interactions. There are two forms there, there is one that you can track your body temperature for a long period of time and then there is one that gives the instructions where you can do five measurements. Eleuthero is great for chronic fatigue and low thyroid function. Elderberry refers to several different varieties of the sambucustree, which is a flowering plant that produces berries in small black or blue-black bunches. He’s has great Nettles. Recently, people have started taking elderberry supplements and drinking elderberry … Blue Flag is a good herb and it will also stimulate thyroid function. I have constant bloating ……. The Indians have all the best herbs & Chinese to cure . We talked a little bit about the Epstein-Barr virus and H. Pylori. Although not all side effects are known, elderberry … During the winter everyone dreams of curling up in front of the fireplace with someone they love or a good book while sipping a cup of something warm. Again, your whole metabolism is revved up so everything is in this heightened capacity. If you have a question you can type your message into the chat box and I’ll get to that as soon as I can. In Graves’ you have a massive amount of T3 floating around, L-Carnitine inhibits the T3 from getting into the cell and binding to the receptor. “For Hashimoto’s patient, do you recommend adding the recommended herbs at once or one at a time and for a period of time?” That’s a good question. This was heavily researched by the Russians in the 70’s and in the 80’s because they were looking for something to enhance their Olympic athletes’ stamina and athletic performance. We talked about Ashwagandha but Eleuthero is a really great herb, not just for hypothyroid but for a lot of things. Read on to learn how to protect yourselves and your loved ones. Simply steep the roots in boiling water to make a healthy and nutritious tea. Yersinia is a gut bacteria and Yersinia is actually in the same species that caused the Bubonic plague in Europe. One of the important things about herbs is actually smelling the herb and so when people are taking these herbal tinctures, either straight or in a little bit of water, they smell the herb and that traditionally has been said to enhance its properties. If someone has Hashimoto’s and it’s just because of gluten then that’s going to affect how we treat and then of course if they have an infections that’s really going to change things as well. The serious infections that we carry that trigger autoimmune diseases and those are the big three for Hashimoto’s. A lot of people wonder if they should be taken with or without food, clinically I really haven’t seen many differences if you’re taking herbs with or without food.