Strong evidence observed in marine environment, with entanglement shown to have caused death in 344 marine species. It causes a much dangerous effect on the environment and human life. Let’s get over the question of how does plastic harm environment, with its types, causes, and preventive outlook. 3- Respect, protect and preserve our resources to ensure future generations a greater tomorrow. We will send you all the latest blog posts from the Earth Project, as well as popular projects, news and more. Guest blog written by Rob Vernon, senior vice president of communications and marketing. The Thrive Global Community welcomes voices from many spheres on our open platform. How plastic is damaging planet Earth. Plastic pollution affects the Earth, Air, Waterways and seas. If you think that plastic pollution has decreased as compared to what it was before, then you are totally wrong. He lives in Bihar, India, Completing B.Sc, and loves photography. If the energy which is used in making plastic and plastic materials is supplied to a megacity it can be powered for a month non-stop. 4- Reduce our impact on the environment by individual and institutional actions, by exploring options in alternative transportation, waste reduction and recycling, appliance efficiency and awareness of how the decisions we make affect our personal environment and the world as a whole. Still, its current source of production and the casual way people discard it makes it environmentally hazardous. Plastics also harm animals through entanglement and ingestion at all levels of the food chain. Good question, Sanuki! Plastic toys are actually a huge environmental problem, and if we want to raise sustainability-conscious kids, it's important to raise them with awareness of those issues. Think about it. This is an especially glaring answer to the inquiry, “How does plastic affect the environment?”. They eat it, they get caught in it, or get sick because of it. Plastic can be used to save wildlife, but it can also be extremely dangerous, especially when we over-produce, over-use, and over-consume and then fail to reuse, recycle, and/or dispose of it properly. The world, however, is small and interdependent. Turtles (and other animals) may mistake plastic bags for food. Once ingested, the plastic can wreak havoc on the intestinal tracts of these creatures, blocking necessary nutrients and causing premature death. BPA is found in almost all plastic products from water bottles to food containers. by Mary Davies / on April 6, 2016 / in Eco-friendly packaging , Packaging When it comes to choosing the right packaging for your needs, it is easy to get wrapped up in the aesthetics of the design or the practicality of the size or material. This is because its harmful effects don’t spare any animal or plant in the food chain, ranging from large terrestrial animals to microscopic plankton. In our previous posts, we have talked about “where is plastic in our lives”, ”Best alternatives for plastic” and “ how to break the plastic habit”. It may make our environment unhealthy for us. Plastic is particularly problematic as it doesn’t degrade easily and can last in water for a long time. My question is how do plastic bags harm our environment and sea life? Environmental Damage Caused by Plastic Bags. How does plastic impact the environment? Of course, now you would want to know why. The quality of life enjoyed by millions – perhaps billions – the world over relates directly to the availability of this synthetic material. Plastic bags cause several different types of harm, but three of the most troubling problems they present include the following: Wildlife Harm. These tiny shards come from decaying bottles and bags, polyester clothing, toothpastes and skin lotions, among other sources. Over 85 percent does, in fact. How plastic harms:1. it causes cancer2. Plastic is made up of petroleum oil which is a non-renewable source of energy. How does Plastic Harm the Environment. You can find plastic debris along trails in national parks, it clogs our cities’ drains and clutters our beaches. 9 comments. Plastic waste is affecting the environment, including flora and fauna, even intoxicating land, water, and air. Plastic manufactured in the first 10 years of this century eclipses the total produced in the entire last century All Rights Reserved. Escaping that fate, an animal will nevertheless endure digestive tract damage from these indigestible materials. Where do they go? Packaging, sealants, insulation and numerous medical innovations are composed of plastic. Humans invented plastic and animals are harmed by it. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. 10- Reduce our plastic consumption, and favor reusable and recyclable goods: When plastic degrades, toxic chemicals in the plastic are released into the environment. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size. chemical ingredients found in soil leachate, contain the basic molecular building blocks. As the scrutiny of the environmental toll of plastic increases, so has its usage, the scientists reported. Research, development and utilization of alternate materials like milk protein and starch-based polymers promises improvement in the future. With plastic manufacturing continuing unabated, the release of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel combustion is also unrestrained. As we mentioned before, plastic does not biodegrade. Must Read: Once Read It, Before Changing Your Smartphone! Whenever we throw something like paper, food peels, leaves etc there are small tiny creatures in nature – the bacteria – who eat these things up or turn them into useful products that nature loves. Commercial fishermen will routinely discard plastic nets, fishing lines, galley utensils and other harvesting equipment. 2- Act for the planet by making global warming an urgency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and choosing clean energy. Sadly, it doesn’t end there. Recycling of paper, plastic, glass, and such other materials which is easily possible, helps in keeping the environment a little bit cleaner. The energy intensive plastic bag production One of the most significant and global effects of plastic bags is how they are made. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. 9- Choose local and organic products: by reducing transportation and chemicals, we make a healthy choice for us and the planet. When soil is damaged so too are crops for food. I will consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of my daily decisions and make every effort to be responsible in these areas. Pollution from plastic can degrade human health and wellness. How Does Plastic Harm the Environment? There is now considerable evidence that CFCs deplete the atmospheric ozone layer, which protects the Earth by blocking out much of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. I will also share my individual sustainability efforts with others and in my community to inspire people in making conscientious choices for the planet”. First of all, plastic is everywhere. Much of the comfort and convenience enjoyed from the mid-20th century onward has something to do with plastic. It can take hundreds or even thousands of years for plastic to break down so the environmental damage is long-lasting. How does Plastic harm the Environment There are many reasons responsible for damaging the environment in which plastic has emerged as a major threat . Once Read It, Before Changing Your Smartphone! According to the Water Footprint Calculator, one pound of plastic is made by using 22 gallons of water. So whether it goes for degradable mechanism or recycling treatment, it damages the environment ultimately. This introduces other hazards into freshwater ecosystems already threatened by pollution. It affects all organisms in the food chain from tiny species like plankton through to whales. 8- Reduce energy, water and food waste, for a more equitable sharing and preservation of our resources. But say we just made a mountain out of it and covered it with gravel and dirt, what harm could it do then? share. Experts even predict that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2025! The effects of plastics on the environment, however, go beyond the issue of recycling. Animals suffer harm at the hands of plastic bags in a number of ways. The environmental balance of the waterways is being thrown off by the rate of plastic bags finding their way into the mouths and intestinal tracts of sea mammals. Sarah-Jeanne Royer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has found that low-density polyethylene – one of the most common types of plastics found in the ocean – releases greenhouse gases as it breaks down in the environment. Plastic is a non-biodegradable product (can’t break down into smaller pieces) and it can cause a great harm to our environment. Fitbit Versa 2 Review : Is it a Value for Money Product? Plastic interacts with water and creates Styrene Trimer, Bisphenol A, and a by-product of Polystyrene, among the others, which are extremely harmful to our health. Pollution from plastic can degrade human health and wellness. EPA points to various health issues (covered below) afflicting those living near production facilities, and to the fact that medical studies indict methylene chloride as a likely cause of cancer. Plastic affects human health. Plastic bags harm marine (and land) environments in a few ways. Whenever we throw something like paper, food peels, leaves etc there are small tiny creatures in nature – the bacteria – who eat these things up or turn them into useful products that nature loves. Plastic bags cause several different types of harm, but three of the most troubling problems they present include the following: These are very real effects directly related to the plethora of plastic production and circulation. How does plastic harm the environment ? Because Our earth is a precious gift, we need to honor and protect her. On the degradable count, plastic takes hundreds of years for a complete breakdown, and that break down process generates many toxic substances and gases. However, plastic bottles do not biodegrade, so they will remain in our environment forever. Plastic has toxic pollutants that damage the environment and cause land, water, and air pollution. Of all trash, plastic trash has the greatest potential to harm the environment, wildlife and humans. Particulates from chemicals like methylene chloride impair the human respiratory system and cause he… Microbeads are banned and wet wipes could be next but the plastic in your skincare routine could still be harming the oceans and environment. save. This garbage buried in the ground pollutes the sources of water and poses a big threat to our lives. Sometimes, the question “How does plastic affect the environment?” seems far removed from human civilization. Your email address will not be published. According to the Water Footprint Calculator, one pound of plastic is made by using 22 gallons of water. As documented elsewhere, these micro-plastics are swallowed by fish, birds and mammals that live in or around freshwater bodies. Landfills at many places are running out of space. When water is tainted with micro-plastics, treatment facilities are not necessarily sufficient to remove them from our usable supplies. So try your best and do not use plastic, Your email address will not be published. When marine animals consume plastic, the toxins it contains breaks down inside their bodies. Plus it's healthier! Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. A lot of water is used when making plastic. too many plastics are responsible for killing animals in the ocean, by ingestion. Plastic pollution is currently one of the biggest environmental concerns. Some research indicates that BPA harmfully impacts the reproduction and fetal growth of certain undersea species. How does plastic harm the environment? If it just sits there and does nothing, why does that make it harmful? How exactly does plastic harm the environment? Many states have banned plastic bags in stores, shops, and many places. It’s no question that plastic bottles (and bottled water) are bad for the environment. This is the most common way that plastic bags end up creating a In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the environmental impact of plastic bags. How does plastic pollution impact humans? Instead of a slowdown in plastic production, it is increasing and filling up all the landfills and leaving no space. Cookie - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy. Once you get home, you’ll throw the shopper bag in the litter outside. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size. Plastic Bag Litter. In the U.S alone, they make use of approximately 100 billion plastic bags yearly. How Does Plastic Harm the Environment? This might not be so shocking a fact were it not for the problems it causes the earth’s crust. There is a price for this, however. If we see around most of the plastic that we are dealing with today was produced more than a decade ago. It may take hundreds or thousands of years to break down. Of course, other plastic products litter the seas, as well, including beverage bottles, Styrofoam cups and trash bags. Here you will get unique, creative and very carefully written reviews and articles that are prepared after spending good amount of time in research, observation, facts and going through other’s opinion. 9 comments. Microplastics are very small plastic particles generally less than 5 mm in size. The bottled water industry has grown rapidly over the past few years. How plastics move around the world Most of the plastic trash in the oceans, Earth’s last sink, flows from land. As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterway is impacted. In so doing, they inadvertently expose marine ecosystems to BPA. Plastics are embrittlement at low temperature3. These stats make the United States the biggest bottled water … Bisphenol A is known to affect the animals’ reproductive systems, and it makes one wonder whether humans are susceptible to it, too. Microplastics are very small plastic particles generally less than 5 mm in size. – Sanuki, age 8, Melbourne. Swallowing plastic may produce choking. Plastic pollution occured so rapidly that animals were unable to adjust their behaviour around this new material. Perhaps plastic does its job too well. Experts even predict that there will be more plasticin the ocean than fish by 2025! How Does Packaging Affect the Environment? On the Farm - Nude Squamish Farmer Calendar, Gotek Portable Shoe Deodorizer & Sterilizer, OnTheRocks: Clear Ice Cubes, Spheres, & Diamonds. According to the United States Energy Information Administration, the hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL) that come from crude oil refineries contain the basic molecular building blocks for a wide array of plastics. Today we are here to talk about how much harm plastic is doing to our environment and in what ways. The world is drowning under the weight of plastic and only we can take it out again. Plastic can be used to save wildlife, but it can also be extremely dangerous, especially when we over-produce, over-use, and over-consume and then fail to reuse, recycle, and/or dispose of it properly. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments. share. Plastic ring holders for soda cans can entangle, disable and sometimes strangle wild denizens that get caught up in them. miniscule bits and shreds of plastic – is present in many rives and tributaries. Plastic waste, being ubiquitous, is pushing the government, communities, and individuals to take action because it causes potential harm to both marine lives as well as humans. Plastic pollution disrupts the natural food chain Pollution from plastic materials, such as plastic bags, affect the natural order of feeding. But say we just made a mountain out of it and covered it with gravel and dirt, what harm could it do then? Even when citizens try to manage their plastic bag disposal wind plays a … But although most people know that plastic cannot be absorbed back into the environment, there are many that are unaware just how much plastic ends up in our oceans - and how detrimental this can be. 1. It is the main concern now for environment specialists. When the chemical bond breaks BPA gets mixed in your food and water. The Earth Project is committed to being a positive force for the future of our environment, through education, research, and helping fund sustainable projects. For example, landfills are full of hazardous chemicals that go deeper and deeper into the ground every time it rains. Plastic litter kills a great number of whales, birds, turtles, and seals yearly in the aquatic environment as they always take in plastic waste mistaken it for food like jellyfish. The vast majority of plastic products, nevertheless, are made from petroleum and/or natural gas. In the mean time, reverting to glass bottles and paper bags no longer seems quite so retrograde. Plastic causes environment pollution. Reinforced plastics are found in ventilation ducts, countertops, kitchen sinks, shower stalls and recreational vehicles. How does plastic affect the environment among oceans? When soil is damaged so too are crops for food. Environmental Pollutants and Their Dreadful Effects, 10 Devastating Environmental Issues That Need More Attention, BioQ : Perfect Eco-Friendly Replacement for Plastic Gifts and Stationery, Grio’s Eco-friendly Products to replace Disposable Plates & Cutlery, Environmentalist, Pollution, Our initiative, and the evergreen excuse, Realme Buds Air Pro Review : ANC on a Budget, Redmi SonicBass Wireless Earphones Review : Under ₹1.3K, Oppo Enco W51 Review : Good earbuds under ₹5000, Festive Review on Sony WH-1000XM4 – Truly Wireless ANC Headphone, Our Views on Raji: An Ancient Epic “Finally an Indian Gaming Saga”, Is Samsung Galaxy M31s Worth a Purchase? There are significant levels of microplastics polluting the ocean, freshwater and land, and research is showing that animals including humans are eating these microplastics. Petroleum oil is not sustainable and it pollutes the air on combustion. 10 Points to show you How Does Plastic Harm the Environment? So when humans eat seafood, we’re consuming these, too. save. |  Anker Soundcore Life P2 Review, I hope that after knowing all these facts you are probably going to think twice before buying plastic bottles and other plastic products. As environmental activists seek alternatives to fossil fuels for energy production, the unbridled creation of plastic in like manner demands other options. Or such waste is also pressed into the ground. How does plastic affect the environment? Plastic can cause harm to marine life and humans in three ways. In case you were unaware of this problem, we have listed the Harmful Effects of Plastic in Points below that will show how badly plastic is affecting our environment. Phtalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are among the more common plastic chemical ingredients found in soil leachate. 7- Cut down on meat consumption and favor vegetable consumption: Feeding, housing, processing, transporting, and selling meat uses way more energy — and water — than simpler foods like fruits, grains, and vegetables. Usually, microplastics enter the environment either through the breaking-down of bigger pieces of plastic, through the use of cosmetics with microbeads, and through our clothes. Physical harm can be caused when animals become entangled in plastics and when animals eat plastic.
2020 how does plastic harm the environment