The half elf ranger build in my opinion is the king of solo. 1. Divine Beam is an optional skill, you may or may not take this, it is up to you. The game is a sequel to the original Korean title Rohan: Blood Feud which has gained a large international audience since its release. Eventually you will need a lot of skills to be level 6 and I will make a list of them later. Dependin on how you can afford. BUT – if you have time and the pt is not in massive need of you , you can use incarnation for recovery of loss xp. You can also go half vit half psy, this build works quite well also. Gear: At low levels get a weapon with as high a psy amount as possible and with damage drop. 115, Hunter Kit : Activated, Anti Hack Active 100% Protection, Anti DDOS Active 100% Protection, Daily Events, SUPER ACTIVE GMs! Level 7 Almighty is a given, Group Mental Blow is important because having a lot of vit in your build all the extra psy boost you can get is good, level 7 Obli is 10% more damage drop than 6, Magic Barrier 7 uses a much higher percent of your psy than 6 does so another bonus since you’re vit/psy build. I have both and i prefer revive and resurrect scroll. RBF is f2p and free to download. Votes. 0 Get Cure Silence, Cure Confusion, Mind Air, Vacuum, Detect, and Debuff early on. So you can see how this is good. Available number of kills begins at 10 with 1 point deducted upon each PVP victory. Very useful to use vacuum when the attacker is casting Fixation, Crazy standin, Siege Shot. high lvl increases already long cooldown perfect healing lvl 1 – 100% heal. I chose to take it to make the lowbie levels go a little faster as you’ll probably be soloing until you get to Ahkma cave and it gives you a little something to do in party when they don’t really need you instead of standing there idle. Breathtaking PVP. Arena Rohan. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to our. Levels 1-36: Your skill tree should look something like this: At this point in time I’d suggest your heals should be left at level 4. No more useless equipment! Lvl 7 magic barrier has smallest cool down so you can MB everyone You can use Chrono on Obligation. You do the math. But again, read the second sentence. Thats why you need to do a good job and keep your party alive. You start off in Hall of revelation and you should do those quests there cuz of the talisman that gives u some xp (its not a must just a helpful thing) Should stay there till around lvl 13. Qndy’s Priest has both Revive and Incarnation skills. Rohan 2: Legacy of Steel, was a 3D fantasy MMORPG primarily focused on PvP combat. Health . The girls who make Priests because they equate healer with rainbows, unicorns, and cute fuzzy bunnies all have brains full of useless fluff. As end game weapon always use one hand (mace or sword) and shield. Buffing yourself: Always buff yourself staff mastery along with all your actually useful buffs, it just adds one more buff to be debuffed by the enemy in pvp. 0 36: StarHawk Development Server NEW Now with the new pets I can recommend the lion as a good pet also. If not use the ones ingame found for around 800k or so. Later in the middle of group pvp you may not rebuff them if you don’t have time but at least buff them before the start of pvp. Hard core MMORPG. The next skills you should make level 6 are Obligation, Group Mental Blow, and Magic Barrier. Mystery Box . With the right gear you will have 50k + hp, and around 1k+ psy for perfect healing. Ultimtate Rohan Server: exp x5000, drop x5000, crones x3000 Max level 110, … incarnation has a longer activation time (meaning takes longer to cast) then revive and those few seconds can make the diffrence bettween a live squisy dhan and a dead one. Why level 7 vacuum is the shit: It has the same cool down time as chrono, which is 120 seconds. Like a psy one. Dont waste rps and money on something that is completly useless. Sell valuable but unusable equipment in the auction house. Then move to Altar of Roha. On my priest I have Marea’s Mind level 5, it’s an entertaining noob killer, but you might be better off putting those points in Detect or even Mana Recovery. Unless you’re going to PvP with it there really isn’t any reason to level a Priest past Almighty, lets face it, any well geared character or party doesn’t need a Priest to level and in fact are often better off forgetting the Priest at the bindstone where it can operate as a buff whore and getting another damage dealer for faster xp. The level four heals have a shorter cd period than 5 or 6 and since you don’t have the Priest tree skills like Obligation or the other heals to help you out yet, healing fast and often is what will keep you and your party alive. The cave has multiple grind places that will allow u to lvl fast since there are always ppl grindin there. Honestly, i’d recommend feathers, but its up to which u like best. CELTIC Rohan HERO III Game Type: PVE New Crafting Sistem Hunter Kit Sistem Login 5 Minutes = 1 Point Free Master PVP 1 Kill = 5 Poin Guild. Leveling I would have to say that priest is the easier race to lvl. GG. There are some skills that you need to put one point in to get to an important skill but I suggest you put no other points beyond that. With the right gear (hp weapon, hearts, bear, costume, tali) can have 40k + hp and around 800+ psy to heal perfect. You have to be smart and you can wipe entire parties solo. so u can MB everyone in ur party . The general consensus is Priest doesn’t kill, it just supports. the slower cool down times on level 6 heals won’t affect you. -able to MB someone else ~at tsb .-can freely go in front and chrono and mind air everyone. HP% will raise your health drasticly allowing you to take more care of your party, ables you to tank, survive longer overall. :Blood Feud may be hectic and exciting, but it does follow the code of the Honor System. 115, 1000+ Active MEMBERS, Hunter Kit : Activated, Anti Hack Active 100% Protection, Anti DDOS Active 100% Protection, Daily Events, SUPER ACTIVE GMs!! The order you choose to get skills is up to you. If you are smart about the other skills that you are using, know when to barrier, when to obli, who to vacuum, root, etc. Terra Firma II is a quality server utilizing talented developers and resources to ensure the best fun experience around. The Bunny is a must for everyone but only when teleport ,and the cat can be used during events, when collecting and other activities such as those. Rohan Online Priest PvP Guide by Sunraven. Later in this guide I’ll teach you how it’s done. i preffer to use with obligation or net bind, recovery is useless since everyone has toggle skills. If you are worried about cd times you can always make both heals level 7. What to do with those four extra skill points I left you? All the rest of your stat points can go into vit. What Pet to use ? 5x% HP for a normal endgame weapon, or an upgrade weapon, if not a four part upgrade make sure the other parts use HP % pieces for the most possible HP. Like HP recovery is for wiz. lvl 55-60 You can start wearing ” Cameo of Futility”.You can this drop after killin R1 boss (stats: 15 psy,15int , 200 hp ) lvl 60-70 Here you have 2 choises. The content posted on our server list is responsibility of our users and is monitored and moderated by our administration. Shield i would suggest not to waste time or money on using rare shield . You should get this and save it, if you put too much in one stat or the other you can use it to fix them for free later. lvl25-30 You can get ” Kaan Sealed Heart” – 10 vit , 7 psy , 10 magic attack lvl 30-55 “Abbots Prayer Book”.You get them from the Demon in Vena monestary. you need this boost since your stats are still low and need more healing power now that you are on grind mode. Enjoy IGN : ExtOld Server : Flox Job : Warlock Stats : INT #RohanMPlaywith Online 24/7 PVE, PVP Hero III Max Lv. Also entertaining for chasing off ksers. Freebies . You want obli up at the point when your party is going to be taking the most damage. Right now, this is the best pvp game out. Your best utility spell for PvP, I'd recommend releasing it only since it has a long cooldown. Just remember, mobs are your friends. GUILD WAR. A chain is the most expensive but has the most all stat.