I have been told that gum trees and pine trees will clog up a chimmney ... White or Red Oak,Beech,tulip Poplar,& Sycamore. If you are looking for a large, long-lived yard tree, both maple and sweetgum are good choices. Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweetgum) on the other hand, is widely planted throughout … Angophora cordifolia Gum Myrtle, Smooth Bark Apple Arbutus menziesii Madrone ... Liquidambar styraciflua American Sweet Gum, Liquidambar Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree, Yellow or Tulip Poplar ... Sycamore Rhaphiolepis umbellata Yeddo Hawthorn Robinia species Locust A sycamore seed ball falls apart and is … The higher the BTU level, the more heat the firewood can produce. E. viminalis is one of the few gum tree species that can tolerate cooler climates. But this is more than a nut tree. According to my references the rays in sycamore are distinctive on a radial section while those in sweetgum are nearly invisible. Like the sweetgum and the yellow-poplar, the sycamore has leaves that are alternate in arrangement. After working a bit with what I cut yesterday, I can believe it. . Common Names: sweetgum, redgum, star-leaved gum, alligator-wood, and gumtree Habitat: Sweetgum grows in moist soils of valleys and lower sloped areas. I know that the Liquidambars turn color in the fall, but that doesn't help me now. Hi, everyone. Watch the Sweet Gum in the fall; get red color and the leaves stay on for a long time. © 1998 - 2017 by Ellis Walentine. And since I've always thought these were sycamore balls, I never thought to check!! This tree may also be found in mixed woodlands. The leaves look like huge maple leaves. Note there is another tree commonly known as sycamore: the sycamore maple, acer pseudoplatanus (false plane tree) that has a winged seed like a maple and is sometimes called sycamore plane or plane tree. The common sycamore tree (with the fruit ball) is platanus occidentalis, also called american plane tree, buttonball, buttonwood, water beech. I would describe the flavor as being on the earthy side of sweet. The bark is also different; sycamore is usually peeling and mottled. sycamore is a softwood, similar to poplar , burns fairly hot but doesnt hold a fire long term because its not very dense. Some maples can also grow in Zones 3 and 4, however, where winter temperatures get as cold as minus-35 degrees. Will sweet gum work? The sycamore is a great and noble tree, however. Sycamore is often planted in parks and large gardens. Different woods leave different flavors. The smooth, powdery bark on the manna gum comes off in hanging strips, making this tree unmistakable. I don’t really know but I have been told sweet gum rots easily. And then? Both are ball-shaped and about the same size but Sweet Gum's are spiney while Sycamore's are not. So I’m looking for some opinions on this…will even be a suitable option. skills -- at least for my area, which is Southern California. Sycamore were twice the height (11.6 vs. 5.5 m); fifty percent larger in diameter (10.9 vs. 7.0 cm); and accrued more than twice the biomass (38–42 vs. 17 Mgha-1)of the sweetgum. Where the bark is not smooth, it is usually rough and flaky, resembling a layer of broken scales. Sweet Gum has furrows running vertically. While you don't have to use prepackaged wood chips to add a little smoke to your fire, you do want to make sure that what you're using is all wood—no glues, nails, or chewing gum. Gum trees are fast-growing members of the Myrtle family of plants. My pretty little drawing is NOT of a sycamore ball after all!!! they aren't spiky! Maples and sweet gum trees grow best in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8 or 9, enduring minimum winter temperatures down to minus-15 degrees Fahrenheit. The sweet-tasting nuts of the Chinese chestnut are often roasted for holiday eating and have been made famous in turkey stuffing recipes across the country. i have burned a little of it , was mixed into a load i had recieved. Hardwood Vs Softwood. Those little foot torturing balls are gum balls from a Sweet Gum Tree. They are bumpy and round like a button, and mostly still hanging from the tree. SEE THEM ALL ON OUR, Re: Sycamore vs Sweet Gum? SYCAMORE Leaves with shallow lobes and no strong smell, fruit a ball of wind-dispersed seeds that break away from the center, bark thin and shedding to leave white patches on trunk, frequently along streams: Platanus occidentalis (sycamore) SWEET GUM Leaves deeply lobed and star shaped with 5 definite lobes and an aromatic scent when As for the actual syrup, I can’t say — we simply drank it as a Spring tonic. They get their name from their thick sap. Sweetgum has a fivepointed star leaf; sycamore looks like a maple leaf. >Sweetgum and Sycamore have quite different fruit. The American sycamore is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, and the California sycamore is hardy in zones 7 through 10. >Hi Allen, Sycamore has distinct grain with huge flecks in quartersawn wood. They can grow to be up to 150 feet, which makes them great for those in search of shade trees for homes, parks, college campuses, and more. Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) The sweet gum tree is often planted as an ornamental tree. But before we take a closer look, there's one more thing to wrap up. Sycamores have serrated point-lobed leaves, whereas the cottonwood has round almost heart-shaped leaves. Maple, sycamore, and sweet gum are all examples of common North American trees with simple leaf structure. If there’s a sweet gum in your yard, you can forget about walking around barefoot once the seedpods fall in autumn and winter. biggest thing bad about it is it will absorb water readily and if wet long term it will rot fairly quickly , i wouldnt want to have to rely on it lasting in the wood rack if exposed to the elements. Sweet gum leaves resemble a 5-point star. I could spray the ends with a breathable water proofing and use a long roof overhand to keep them dry. They also feature distinct five-pointed leaves as well as spiked fruits that are sometimes called “gumballs” and seeds that attract birds. The common name "manna gum" derives from a white powdery substance that falls from new leaves, sweet in taste and once used by aboriginal people. I have a large sweet gum tree blown over by a storm. I am having trouble distinguishing between Liquidambars (Sweet Gum) and Sycamores. >Sweetgum and Sycamore have quite different fruit. Great list! Sweetgum has a fivepointed star leaf; sycamore looks like a maple leaf. NOT sycamore, these are sweet gum, a different wildlife food source. Sweet Gum Seeds and Fruit. I was out walking yesterday and went by the place where I picked up the specimens which I'm currently drawing. And more than this you need to pick the right wood for the job. But sweet gum trees often serve a different purpose. Lately, I have been trying to improve my tree i.d. There was the sycamore tree, with its flaky, multi-colored bark. The pods have sharp, spiny exteriors that will elicit a shout if you happen to be stuck with one. There were some big, wide, brown leaves still gathered around the base of the tree. Harvest John K Jordan. A similar look-alike seed ball–Sweet gum– has a similar size seed ball, but a much rougher exterior texture. We tapped a Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) a few years back. The fact is that eucalyptus trees are a variety of gum tree, but not every gum tree is a eucalyptus tree. Well, yesterday when I got home I went straight to my tree bible, Sycamore or Sweetgum -- setting the record straight. *PIC* -- John K Jordan -- 9/16/2008, 2:12 pm. There were some there, but . My parents always taught me that honesty is the best policy, so I need to 'fess up about something I just discovered. John K Jordan . Sycamore trees are also distinguished by their large patches of smooth bark, which has a creamy "camo" appearance from its mix yellow, tan, and gray. They grow so fast they are truly renewable. It is one of the tallest of the native eastern North American deciduous trees and can grow to be 75 - 100 feet tall. Both grow to heights between 60 and 100 feet, providing summer shade, attractively ridged gray bark, autumn color and … Sycamores are often confused with Cottonwood trees, the the way to differentiate them is to look at the leaves. As for sweetgum, I found this in one of my books: "few North American woods equal sweetgum in the beauty of its grain." I have cut them down in the spring and by fall they are already 15’ tall and 3” in diameter. The seed pods? My plan is to have 6”x 6”x 3/4” tiles for the entire house. Sycamore seed, cleaned of all their fluffy hairs are shaped like railroad spikes. Sweet Gum and Sycamore have very different fruit. There is no doubt the seeds shown are a type of chestnut. Barbara Gill, Remlik VA >Sweet Gum and Sycamore do not look much alike at least the Sycamore and Sweet Gum I am familiar with. Summary; Firewood is mostly utilized to heat homes and campsites with no electricity access. Sycamore has a soft seed ball not covered in thorns but most importantly it does not have nuts inside. Ouch. California Sycamore has no showy fruits and Big leaf Maple has no showy fruits. A sweetgum has fewer spikes and they are thicker and look woody. Though it certainly wasn’t as tasty as Sugar or Norway Maple sap, we got a good run from it. Number 28? Hello I’m trying to decide on wood for endgrain wood flooring and sweet gum is plentiful on my property and I personally think it is beautiful wood. (photos below) The bark is much different as well - sycamore bark is very distinctive with mottled "camouflauge" bark that is often peeling - sweetgum is indicated as having deep irregular furrows and ridges. Eucalyptus trees and gum trees are two names that are often used interchangeably. While sweet gum is known and appreciated for its lovely fall color, it is also despised for its seeds. All rights reserved. Arborday.org Tree Nursery. Sweet gum balls are very close in size to sycamore seed balls. What I had inadvertently picked up were seed pods from the tree growing right next to the sycamore. 2. We offer affordable bare root American Sweetgum trees and many others trees shipped at the best time for planting where you live. (photos below) The bark is much different as well - sycamore bark is very distinctive with mottled "camouflauge" bark that is often peeling - sweetgum is indicated as having deep irregular furrows and ridges. Powered by Tetra-WebBBS 6.21 / TetraBB PRO 0.22 © 2006-2012 tetrabb.com, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.24 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.25 CPU), PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS! Matthew Barlow, nursery manager at EarthworksJax shares the history and continuing legacy through suckering of a Sweet Gum tree at the nursery. It has brilliantly colored autumn foliage, much like the maple tree, which makes it stand out when trees start putting on their fall fashion show. The seed heads of the sycamore disintegrate as their seeds are dispersed; the sweet gum seed capsule, on the other hand, has a woody structure, and the gum balls are quite persistent. Sweetgums are easy to identify as well. The sycamore plantations were more productive after seven growing seasons than the sweetgum. Turning Archive 2008 is maintained by Ellis Walentine The reason firewood is a great heating source is that it’s capable of producing high levels of BTU. Both are hardwoods, much prized by furniture makers. You can compare California Sycamore and Big leaf Maple facts and facts of other plants too.
2020 sycamore vs sweet gum