Wow, I am a dumb. "Vitamin A is such a basic metabolic factor, in the brain and endocrine glands, liver and kidneys, etc., I think it's dangerous to experiment with drugs that … After a few days, my nose, jaw, and chin were covered in acne. I used it with some success for a while, but then tried (stupidly) adding in additional actives. MVP of skin-care ingredients over here. All I had to do was move to Spitsbergen and eat sardines for the rest of my life. Retin A (tretinoin) ruined my face.. acne help! Within an hour of my morning routine, there's a film of oil on my T-zone and my cheeks are sticky. oldest. I never knew how important my skin barrier is until i ruined it with anti-acne products containing ingredients like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Tretinoin and the likes. The Retin-A and Avita brands of tretinoin are used to treat acne. Your doctor may want you to stop using tretinoin cream for some time, change how much you use, or change how often you use tretinoin cream. Use it only at night. Hoping there's a way out. I'm not saying I've learned to love my wrinkles or sun spots; I'm just saying I like to venture out in public from time to time. I'm going to have to age naturally whether I like it or not (and I don't). And it's impossible to get it 100% off without a full wash. My skin has also lost the ability to absorb anything--I had to stop wearing sunscreen because the product would just sit on my skin. Retin-A cause a purging effect in the beginning and then is AAAHHHMAZING skin clearing results! This is just so frustrating to me because it feels like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. 66.1k members in the tretinoin community. From the most gentle formulas that are expected to be oily to the most alcoholic ones that are supposed to leave you matte. posted . Like tretinoin, retinol encourages skin cell turnover; this new skin is … Within 3 or 4 hours, my whole face is covered by a shiny later of oil. The dark spots have lightened so much and I feel that my skin has really brightened to look and feel healthy. Retin-A (tretinoin) is a form of vitamin A that helps the skin renew itself. Ad Choices, An Anti-Aging Prescription Wrecked My Skin—Here's How I Fixed It. The reason it helps correct so many skin conditions, she says, is because retinoids work on a cellular level, rather than just a topical level. I'll start doing this tonight! Authors J S Weiss 1 , C N Ellis, J T Headington, T Tincoff, T A Hamilton, J J Voorhees. ), so there really wasn't any point in using it. In short, tretinoin works by speeding up the rate at which your body replaces skin cells, giving your skin a fresher, more youthful appearance. I got really bad retinoid dermatitis all over my face and was advised by my derm to stop. Just oiliness. and yes, this does lead to … And yet it's completely ruined my skin. I tried, I really did, but now that I'm off Retin-A, I have to admit that my skin looks and feels much better. If you haven't done so already, stop using vaseline for the area around your eyes. I have a bunch of interviews coming up and other major events which I don't think I want to risk having acne during. Flawless skin has never been my problem; strangers don't stop to ask me where I get my facials. I have used it one and off for 13 years and have never experienced that. Retin-a ruined my skin. Once a week at a weak strength. I reach for sunscreen, though not without trepidation. The area is red, gets small pimples, and seems to flare up and down. I have used it one and off for 13 years and have never experienced that. But alongside the good stories come plenty of bad ones. If you’re on 0.5 or higher I’d definitely recommend dropping it down to 0.25. Posted by 1 year ago. She was horrified—not at my appearance, though that would have been understandable—but at the fact that her harmless little anti-aging prescription had destroyed my skin, not to mention my self-esteem. I've never experienced peeling, just extreme oiliness, so I don't know if it means these solutions won't work for me. It's commonly prescribed for acne, fine lines, and sun damaged skin. "In Korea, however, thin … Also, he tells me I should go see him (not for … Because I was used to having perfect skin, I freaked … What % tret are you on? "XXXXX ruined my face/skin" before putting any stuff on your face. On the best days, my skin is back to being...fine. First, tretinoin is an exfoliator. Close. Aboorah M. Hello Gorgeous people! Skin History: I had clear skin throughout my whole life thank god... when I turned 22 I started to have a minor break out on my left cheek. I now wait 30 minutes after cleansing to apply tret and then let it stay alone for at least 30 minutes. All rights reserved. I can keep using tretinoin and permanently look like a tomato fried in olive oil. Tretinoin decreases fine lines, evens skin color, improves texture, tightens pores, and stimulates blood flow and collagen production. Retinol helps exfoliate superficial dead layers of the skin, bringing on new, fresh skin. Oldest ; Newest; Helpful; Nov 23, 2013. now every once in a while i may have a mild episode where my skin is peeling, but thats exactly what the retin-a is supposed to do----EXFOLIATE. It took me over a year to heal the redness and splotchiness. I hope these photos throughout the process are helpful! Some people say retinol ruined their skin, leaving others too scared to try it. Skin History: I had clear skin throughout my whole life thank god... when I turned 22 I started to have a minor break out on my left cheek. A note on the medication shown above: Tretinoin is a form of Vitamin A that can treat acne but also targets aging and prevents hyperpigmentation. 25 years old and I've ruined my skin. I went to the dermatologist and left with no prescription and not help. He told me he used it on himself for years. In my opinion, tretinoin is too irritating and potent when you do not need it. Sort By. It's extremely dry & feels like leather & is kind of wrinkely I can't really explain it.. but it's super messed up & just feels really dry & keeps peeling & hurts REALLY bad when I wash or put moisturizer on... it's been 2 days after I quit using RetinA & it's not getting better. Retinol thinning skin is a misnomer. "The compounds in retinoids can help boost collagen, but they're not necessary for healthy skin. I even had acne on places people don't get acne—the middle of my cheeks and the top of my neck. I started treating my skin with more anti-acne products, thinking I was dealing with a bout of blemishes. I "laid out" too much in college and now have the dark spots to show for it. I recommend you consult a dermatologist if you suffer from major acne and you are concerned with anti-aging, in that case tretinoin is a great option. Note that while skin takes a while to adjust, ultimately tret should thicken your skin, so the thinness of your skin should be temporary. No wonder my skin is garbage - I have not been using it correctly at all. And whereas I can see that, slowly but surely, it's been doing the trick on the skin tone, I feel as though my face is now looking somewhat older, and that tretinoin is actually ruining my skin. Doesn’t tret make skin more sensitive to sun as well?? Vaseline is good as an emollient, but it just sits on the surface of the skin & in this case, could actually be exacerbating the appearence of wrinkles. Ideally more, and then you moisturize. And if the day comes when my skin betrays me, well, I hear Spitsbergen can actually be quite lovely. I might ask my derm for Accutane next as a last resort. DRUG INTERACTIONS: See also Precautions section.The effects of some drugs can change if you take other … I'd been on a prescription retinoid for almost two weeks, and my skin was red, inflamed, bumpy, uncomfortable, and, frankly, hideous. The vitamin A … I'd been on a prescription retinoid for almost two weeks, and my skin was red, inflamed, bumpy, uncomfortable, and, frankly, hideous. Taken orally, the retinoid acetretin reduces risk for new primary basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) in high-risk patients. She explained that this very rare reaction meant that 1) I must have had an underlying condition exacerbated by the retinol and 2) I would have to treat my newfound rosacea for the rest of my life. Yes, for tretinoin as it doesn’t need to convert into retinoic acid, it can definitely sting and cause irritation. I used to have perfect skin until around when I went away to college at 18. This is because the water from cleansing and moisturizing causes the tret to work stronger than it should. It’s also very effective, with numerous studies dating back decades to back up its value as an anti-aging treatment. When I tell you that was the best skin care product I've ever used! In other words, retinol bolsters new skin cells and plumps them with collagen, but all in all, your skin won't necessarily be "thicker." I think my skin gets used to it after I start using it for a few months. A double-blind vehicle-controlled study JAMA. Sorry that you’ve had this experience, good luck xx. Try giving your skin a break for a bit and just using a gentle cleanser (maybe one specifically designed to help repair the moisture barrier) and a good moisturiser. Do you have any advice on making it easier to spread over the entire face before absorbing? It made my skin itch and left me with red flaky patches at first, but it was gone after a week. My personal experience with Retin-A 0.05% cream was initially great (increased circulation, reduction of pores, tightening) but eventually, even with 3x week use at night only it left my skin lifeless looking and dried looking, no matter what else I used with it to undo the dryness. My ugliest retinol uglies were from prescription 0.05 percent tretinoin by Actavis. Perfect. At the same time, I've never used concealer, foundation, or tinted moisturizer—I've never felt like I really needed it. So most tret remedies haven't worked for me. For two weeks, my skin was red, dry, and weirdly furry. :(, Edit: to clarify, I have 0 dryness or peeling. SkinTour is my personal skin care blog. It was awful. I felt like I was my eighth grade self back on Accutane. If these skin reactions happen, talk with your doctor. I built it to provide expert, unbiased skincare information to you (the consumer) about skin health and beauty, products, lasers, injectibles and other devices. Weeks passed, and there was no improvement. "But isn't Retin-A the gold standard … Hi can you explain to me how you were originally doing it “incorrect” before? If you're going to use it for all the good things you get from tretinoin treatment, then you need to be committed to using broad spectrum sunscreen and a hat when you're in the sun. Got bumped up to .05% but this time I've been easing into it by using it once a week for a month, twice a week for a month, and so on. Consider your skin type too; retinol is a powerful ingredient, so if you tend to be sensitive (or have skin conditions like eczema and rosacea), avoid flare-up areas and go slowly. You want to help your skin not create unnecessary inflammation. My skin problems have spanned 7 years so I'll try be brief. These include dry skin, redness, swelling, blisters, and peeling. My face is permanently red; it's night and day compared to my neck. Benefits, dosage, and pregnancy and breastfeeding safety are provided. Retinol does not "ruin" skin. 25 year old Asian female. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.It is not known whether this drug passes into breast milk. She gave me prescriptions for oral steroids and antibiotics—we were hitting the hard stuff. 14 votes, 26 comments. Is it ok for lights on at home but just not sunlight? Tips for Retin A #4: Tretinoin-treated skin must be sun-protected every day. A lot of people like me just do every other day for a couple weeks then we're good, but there's definitely cases where shower incorporation was needed. Over the next nine months, I saw three other doctors, spent hundreds of dollars on skin-soothing remedies, and tried 17,000 creams from the Allure beauty closet. In general, I always prefer a … Allure may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Retin-A (tretinoin) is a form of vitamin A that helps the skin renew itself. When you apply tretinoin gel or cream to your face, your body speeds up the rate at which it replaces old skin with new skin, shedding the old layer of skin in the process. I have used retin a for about 10 years, the 0.25% gel. This is a big discussion among skincare professionals … However, the concern for many is, will it make my skin get thinner and cause more lines and wrinkles? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Some skin reactions may happen with tretinoin cream. I use the cream tretinoin and have always struggled to get an even application due to it’s quick absorption into my skin. Plus, I've discovered far better ways to address the premenstrual breakouts it was helping with (more on that in a sec! These are not all of the side effects that may occur. :/. Log In Sign Up. Sometimes I don’t have time to wait for my skin to dry, so I apply … Also, you don't have to use tretinoin everyday. Follow 5. A note on the medication shown above: Tretinoin is a form of Vitamin A that can treat acne but also targets aging and prevents hyperpigmentation. Despite having worked at Allure for over a decade, I don't even use anti-aging creams. When I used tretinoin, I only used it 2 times per week, sometimes 3 times per week if I thought my skin could handle it. I agree with you that switching to the gel is unlikely to help, the alcohol in it will probably just further irritate your skin. I just want to ensure you’re using correctly. It can’t erase deep wrinkles, but it can help improve the appearance of surface wrinkles, fine lines, and darks spots. Dr. Sobel chose a 0.025% Tretinoin cream for my skin as it is sensitive and my … Fillers, injections, lasers, chemical peels—all that stuff freaks me out. Sorry is that comes off as insulting, but I have used tret incorrectly myself and it made my skin awful. It has ruined many peoples skin. Clemmy from London wrote: “The microneedling felt like it shredded my skin beneath the surface, my once perfect skin is ruined and I feel like I could cry, it has lost all firmness and support. Tweet. My derm highly recommended it. Always google eg. I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I can go off it. Updated 4/4/18. it was like a new face. oldest. to say the least, gets rid of acne, builds … Retinol is milder; while the results may not be as dramatic, more people tolerate it well. The Renova brand of tretinoin is used to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and mottled skin discoloration, and to make rough facial skin feel smoother. Important information . However, quite a few people cannot tolerate tretinoin because it can be highly irritating and drying. He told me he used it on himself for years. Or I can stop it and my face will explode into a thousand pimples. (Not a tret thing, it's been like that since I was born) So I think the tretinoin just peeled off my only layer of skin. Oldest; Newest; Helpful; Nov 23, 2013. Hell no, and that’s why we’re so in love with … Tretinoin skin peeling occurs for a variety of reasons. Remember, that skincare is here to support the natural functions of your skin. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Your California Privacy Rights. I stopped using it for a little over a month and did what you said. Now my skin is like yours. 14 votes, 26 comments. Tretinoin makes skin more sun sensitive. PMID: 3336176 Abstract In a 16-week randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled study of topical … I tend to break out right before my period. He even gave me a copy of an article he wrote on retin-a touting its benefits for photo-aging. The rationale is that it can exacerbate sensitivity if the skin is damp. Within an hour of my morning routine, there's a film of oil on my T-zone and my cheeks are sticky. Tretinoin decreases fine lines, evens skin color, improves texture, tightens pores, and stimulates blood flow and collagen production. 66.1k members in the tretinoin community. Nothing sinks in. I wrote all of the content, and I have no financial ties to any pharma, device or cosmetic companies. Side effects of tretinoin include redness, itching, scaling, and excessive dryness in the affected area. Follow 5. The retinoid tretinoin, applied topically, opens comedones, improves acne, and reverses some changes in skin associated with … I'm about half way through month two of this method and my skin is behaving significantly better. These include dry skin, redness, swelling, blisters, and peeling. Aw shit. Have you also tried only applying it every second or third night? Retinol helps to speed up the process by which the skin exfoliates, or sheds the dead cells, and also stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin. This is MY experience with Retin-A 1.0 i threw away the product but instead of a cream it was a jell i forgot to mention that in the video. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. Plus, retinoids seemed harmless. Holy crap. I … So retinol was basically a supercute guy I met in a bar who gave me a horrible, incurable STD. I know it has been structurally damaged. My new (sigh) condition means that while all my similarly aged friends are trying microdermabrasion on their dark spots, laser treatments on their wrinkles, or just gold-jarred anti-aging creams, I will be applying cold compresses. I do this already except the waiting 30m after applying. On the up side my hair is behaving for once today lol, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SkincareAddiction community, Press J to jump to the feed. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. My skin is worse than before retin-a. If that’s the case, OP should stick to using it at night. (0.010 seconds) Long term retin a ruined my skin. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My skin problems have spanned 7 years so I'll try be brief. Showing 1 - 20 of 39 for retin a ruined my skin. My 3 month tretinoin cream update is here and the tretinoin purge is real because my skin is actually in a worse condition. Softening my forehead lines, smoothing my skin, maybe plumping up my collagen inventory: That all sounded swell. I cleanse my face, but that's it. I would recommend stopping the tretinoin and only using moisturizing and sun-protecting products until your skin is fully healed. It’s more likely that the assumed skin thinning is actually irritation as a result of using a retinoid that’s too … I don't have these issues but I don't want them to start so I'll start doing this (and I have been using tretinoin at least 2 years?). It was terrible … but then glorious. And evaluate after that weather the product is good to use or not. I think my skin gets used to it after I start using it for a few months. 1988 Jan 22-29;259(4):527-32. Aboorah M. Hello Gorgeous people! Wait until the effects of such products on the skin have decreased before using tretinoin.This medication is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
2020 tretinoin ruined my skin