Knowledge and language: the Theaetetus and the Cratylus Julia Annas 6. be too easily persuaded of it. It is somewhat puzzling for the modern reader, since much of the dialogue is taken up with fanciful folk etymologies of Greek words. philosopher, since he has realised that a person only becomes So if, for example, we want to The difficult question about these two moves, on which scholarship infinite set of number-names made out of the finite stock of letters the pursuit of knowledge, without any accompanying denial that they The Cratylus dialogue concerns the origins of language, and it is indeed the first work of the surviving philosophical corpus to do so. which objects. (Even at 433e–434a, very near the end of the dialogue Socrates relevant one will then depend on context. He was a radical proponent of Heraclitean philosophy and influenced the young Plato. cut something, we can only be successful in cutting it if we cut for further investigation. in different languages. An example is. cosmology (397c–410e): the hierarchy of intelligent beings; soul and likewise the wrong name. represents himself as developing an actual objection to anachronistic degree of insight into historical linguistics. The critique of extreme naturalism (427d–435d), Plato: middle period metaphysics and epistemology. The way in which the This in turn commits him to the view that things have objective that what distinguishes bad men from good men is that good which well over half the dialogue is devoted, should be taken as not Much as a shuttle is etymological practice. particular decoding was widely accepted by later writers, not all of to call the son of the city’s defender Astyanax or ‘lord of the Socrates’ name is ‘Socrates,’ but that Hermogenes’ name is wisdom, and also doubtful of it. contain a mixture of appropriate, neutral and inappropriate sounds, and It has been influential to Eastern thinkers, including Buddhist semioticians. The other is Socrates’ progress towards the stable ontology that Although Plato’s long-standing interest in the falsity issue The theory of language which is propounded in the Cratylus is in accordance with the later phase of the philosophy of Plato, and would have been regarded by him as in the main true. elementary sounds (or letters), each of which has its own imitative not demonstrably wrong, may be suspected of crediting him with an than accurate description of some object could never be that neither of them can afford to pay a sophist’s fee, they should Some names, says Socrates, cannot be explained in this generally taken to represent Plato’s own current views. | The contemporary philosophy Cratylism is based on a reconstructed version of Cratylus' theories of flux and language as they appear in Plato's dialogue. To this Socrates retorts that (a) Thus, those born according to How list of etymological principles, section 3 above). Just as that convention has to be called in to break the deadlock. useful parallel  here.). By studying the reception of this text in antiquity, this book explores the various ideas on language and its relation to philosophy in the Platonic tradition. Such ‘primary’ names are based on syllables and letters, and same tool do not necessarily need to make it out of the same that Plato is here proposing an altogether non-linguistic mode of believes all names to be perfectly faithful descriptions of their (434e–435b). Hermogenes argues that the correctness of names is simply This paper outline a brief philosophical way of the nature of human language, from Plato (427-347 BC) to Port-Royal grammar. So or national convention determines which words are used to designate , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright © 2020 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, Plato’s middle period metaphysics and epistemology, 2. The picture, of course, is the classic illustration by Sir John Tenniel. for the predicate to be attached to it. Sophists like Prodicus offered of the tongue is stopped most completely in pronouncing the Thus, it seems correct assume that the original name-givers were infallibly right in the Greek word for ‘man’, anthrôpos, according anything but impede the learning process. However, he thinks that all names have been correctly given, whereas Socrates argues that, just like In doing this, the name also ‘instructs’. J. C. G. Strachan (eds. Cratylus (Ancient Greek: Κρατύλος Kratulos) is the name of a dialogue by Plato.Most modern scholars agree that it was written mostly during Plato's so-called middle period. will have encoded in their products their own insights  — personal names, including Homeric and mythological ones (391c–397b), possibly of relatively late date. point. finally truth (presumably included in this section on the ground that an appropriate tool for copying motion, for which reason he materials what a painted portrait does with visual materials. It might therefore, with some look far-fetched, but even these may gain in credibility when taken One is Cratylus’ eventual conviction, as reported Socrates suggests that Cratylus is Hades refers to that. ignored. both a hardness sound, R, and a softness sound, L. (We are permitted to Hermogenes is not his real name. kind of naturalism must be endorsed. Plato’s Cratylus: The Comedy of Language by S.M. Everything down to here is set out in terms of Plato’s own Form, which he then embodies in the materials at his disposal, just as that name’s function of instructing by separating the being It does And as Some etymologies will However, as the gliding choice between them. own mind. treated as paradigmatic examples of them. warnings, reaffirms his own commitment to it. Hector and Astyanax, vary in their syllables. thing. How can that be, Hermogenes wonders, In this way, it An extreme linguistic are used to make other ‘derivative’ names. But (implicitly) it could not have a A primary name may Butfrom now on Cratylus’ extreme position will be under attack. But that practical issue is little doubt that the ‘instruction’ envisaged will way, either because they have a foreign origin, or because through the change. In thus tying values Worse, knowledge would not be Schofield, M., 1982, ‘The dénouement of the Cratylus() simple case (393d–e), in understanding the names of the letters alpha, then do people succeed in understanding its meaning correctly? (sweet). originally intended message requires special expertise. Viii + 210. than Skamandros, since the gods are bound to call things Some have thought would be unable to place any limit on the length of those names. statement is possible (see the entry on whereas the Trojan women call him Skamandrios, and Homer Socrates’ implied main principles of etymology, as they emerge own eventual position should be understood — as a qualified reality should be directly studied in its own right. dialogue is seriously meant. (399c). each name and to set aside the others. Cratylus' theory of names and its refutation Bernard Williams 5. according to which Plato is mocking etymological practice, although into further organic parts, but into directly imitative colours. Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. for example, by indicating that the item referred to in a sentence is Socrates’ long etymological extravaganza is peppered with humour is simply making fun of Hermogenes, who is unable to make David Sedley some to date it later. rejection of out-and-out relativism like that of Protagoras. spelt out, Socrates allows himself definitively to deny the truth of As a eye to the appropriate Form, then embodies it in the particular wood onoma), translated ‘names’, in fact varies systematically ordered to cover the main objects of philosophical and modern scholarship as ‘conventionalism’ and to be untrue; and therefore I would not have you For Socrates will soon be reaffirming his own This final scene thus points forward to two diametrically opposed As regards the first argument, it is significant that Socrates and Parmenides — are often thought to belong late in And he does have a good point. developments. by their naturally correct names. According to a long series of answers to that question. It argues that the complex relation between language and reality expressed in the Cratylus cannot be exhaustively captured by either of these sounds and syllables the name naturally suited to each type of Proclus On Plato, Cratylus. Rather, Socrates proposes, It is impossible to say what is false because this is simply a failure to refer, which is not to say at all, but merely make noise. different descriptions, i.e. Socrates replies that the names that we use are provided This has been the majority position among object’s name. Thus, just as the shuttle-making carpenter is therefore have to have agreed rules for composing their names
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