Consumption of resources . But now developing countries are catching up rapidly, to the detriment of the environment… Rising global meat consumption is likely to have a devastating environmental impact, scientists have warned. A new major analysis suggests meat consumption … Americans and Western Europeans have had a lock on unsustainable over- consumption for decades. Moderating consumption levels requires moderating human desires and human nature, as well as going against a capitalist cultural system that is based on the assumption that economic growth can increase forever. The overall impact of not eating meat on the environment is very positive. These trends will have major consequences on the global environment. For example, the use of fossil fuels for energy (to drive our bigger cars, heat and cool our bigger houses) has an impact on global CO 2 levels and resulting environmental effects. Paper consumption takes precious natural resources As world wide population increases and sanitation standards improve, people tend to consume more paper products. Landscape deeply scarred by an open cut coal mine in Hunter Valley, Australia.Max Phillips / Flickr Godfray et al. While this is good news for the paper manufacturers, the repercussions of growing paper consumption and increased production could be dramatic for our environment. growth.The consumption of different types of meat and meat products has substantial effects on people’s health, and livestock production can have major negative effects on the environment. A report produced by the International Resource Panel (IRP), part of the UN Environment Programme, says rising consumption driven by a growing middle class has seen resources extraction increase from 22 billion tons in 1970 to 70 billon tons in 2010. By 2050 meat consumption could increase by 160% and this demand for meat is not sustainable for our planet. Increasing consumption desires are a subtler, more serious, and more difficult to solve problem than population growth. Meat consumption is rising annually as human populations grow and affluence increases. Today milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy products are ubiquitous, consumed by more than 6 billion people worldwide. Most of this increase in production will come through industrialized animal production systems. Here, we explore the evidence base for these assertions and the options policy-makers have should they wish to intervene to affect population meat consumption. WWF is working to limit its impact on the environment. To be good, food needs to be responsibly sourced and consumed, as well as healthy. . review this trend, which has major negative consequences for land and water use and environmental change. Food consumption and production have a considerable impact on the environment. References "Consumerism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." T his will start to decrease, slowly but surely, as more of us continue to choose to stop eating meat. To complicate matters, environmental impacts of high levels of consumption are not confined to the local area or even country. By evading certain controls, these can be much more damaging to the environment. By increasing demand, the consumption of resources is much greater, which affects the environment through the production processes. Food production contributes, for example, to climate change, eutrophication and acid rain, as well as the depletion of biodiversity. Meat production is projected to double by 2020 due to increased per capita global consumption of meat and population growth. Although meat is a concentrated source of nutrients for low-income families, it also enhances the risks of chronic ill health, such as from colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease.
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