What ever the cause, it’s not good. Here I was going crazy thinking that the noise could be cause by ufos, but other people’s comments sound more logical. 100/120 Hz, depending on the local power-line frequency.The sound often has heavy harmonic content above 50/60 Hz. I mean it's present 24 hours a day, every day. That´s electronic part on gangstalking. People living on the south coast have complained this week of a constant and low-pitched sound for which they have found no cause – as reported by Plymouth Herald. running a fan at night to drown it out helps some. 9 December 1989 ... hear it most often at night when there is less background noise. But studies point to a more mundane source—Zug island, an American industrial area located a few miles down the river at the southern city limits of Detroit. The cases seem to have several factors in common: Generally, the Hum is only heard indoors, and it's louder at night than during the day. They drill here at night for some reason (Colorado). They can’t freed off you if your positive and full of love. A popular theory some say puts the hum conundrum to rest is that scientists have discovered the Earth gives off a subtle vibration at a frequency of 10-millihertz. I even have a recording of it. Sample the room, including height, as well as walls: it could be impacting one wall and not another. For the past nine years, residents of Windsor city, situated on the Canadian side of the US-Canada border just across Detroit river, have been complaining of a mysterious and persistent low-frequency humming noise. It persecutes me. It's a low frequency hum that never stops. 1. A strange sound have been heared in the sky of north of Iran, Astara,Darband villey…you can find it by search in the net. i dont recall if it is because i was travelling and out of the area or not.. but then it started again, stopped again. Some sufferers I think it is GWEN Towers and HAARP together. As such, blue noise sounds similar to the hiss of a kinked water hose. It is typically perceived louder at night than during the day, and louder indoors than outdoors. Humming caused by water pipe vibrations causing all sorts of low frequency bass like wooing noises. I live in south Texas and to me it sounds more like a plane flying right over me, but it is strange because the sound suddenly starts and suddenly stops. I mean it's present 24 hours a day, every day. The Hum, a persistent, low-frequency noise, audible only to certain people and with no identifiable source, was first reported in the mid-1960s. Till date, there has been over 3,000 submissions from around the world, centered mostly around the US and western Europe. Perhaps because FtM is sitting on an ocean of oil in the form of oil sands/shale. Only 2-4% of people hear the noise. The Hum, a persistent, low-frequency noise, audible only to certain people and with no identifiable source, was first reported in the mid-1960s. You get massive, cranked repeating signals carry data payloads in the microwave bands and you WILL get this anomaly. Here are some of the most effective ways to locate the problem. As such, blue noise sounds similar to the hiss of a kinked water hose. In the late 1980s, the coastal Scottish town of Largs began to experience the Hum. ‘The Hum’ followup: CalPortland installs second silencer – West Seattle Blog. The resulting infrasonic sounds blanketing the region could result in widespread vibroacoustic disease — an occupational disease occurring … Have found the problem tonight – pressure variance in … Please estimate your consumption, in 330ml/11 fl.oz cans permonth. I think it is probably Tunnel Boring Machines boring underground bases and tunnels. No chance in hell, so you’ll have to take your own field readings and sue them in court……GOOD LUCK! 9 December 1989 ... hear it most often at night when there is less background noise. We had in a strange hum in the air here in Upstate NY . Get a round-up of all our stories published during the past week delivered to your email every Saturday. I hear a constant low frequency hum in my house (like a truck is idol out front). It's worst at night, making it almost impossible to sleep. So in my building, this vent unit on the roof has been sending a low-frequency hum down my apartment walls. It … Mains hum, electric hum, or power line hum is a sound associated with alternating current which is twice the frequency of the mains electricity.The fundamental frequency of this sound is usually double that of fundamental 50/60 Hz, i.e. I agree with you on HAARP. Any idea what could be causing this? Most experts attributed it to factory noise or electricity pylons or a medical condition called tinnitus, where affected persons hear sounds when there is none. It not man made, it’s something else. I hear the hummmmm. High quality microphones cannot record the sound. But the cause ot the strange sound phenomenon remains unexplained. Some have trouble sleeping. The VHF is perceived as hissing and whining in the ears. Thats a ton of frequency being pushed around the country and the world. 615411. We’re having an assessment of our home and surroundings done and hope to get some good info on how to mitigate it. But it's not the first time the hum has kept Bristol awake. Having a humming, droning, rumbling, throbbing, vibrating-like, hissing, fizzing, or other types of sounds in your head. Focus on the way your diaphragm and lungs fill with air and listen only to the sounds of your own breathing. Experts believe that the blast furnaces are responsible for the 35Hz noise that bathes the city of Windsor like a mystic fog. Acoustical Society of America, Taoseños’ Ears Still Humming – Albuquerque Journal, Have you heard The Hum, The throbbing noise that just won’t go away? Science: Low-frequency 'hum' may permeate the environment. The best way to describe this noise: it sounds like an 18 wheeler idling in the driveway. They dont have the power lines and cell towers like the rest of us. Sick of it. Check any dimmer switches you have that control ceiling fans or lights. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some sufferers The mystery of the Taos hum. Even if they are a mile away this sound will carry. At first, I thought it was … West Seattle’s now-famous ‘Hum’: Apparently NOT a fish’s fault”. it may be somebody far away who is listening to music with the base turned way up. Ever heard of the black knight. SO HELPFUL. I’m plagued by a ‘hum’ that no one else hears – Mail Online. Not caused by traffic,electricity etc. Depending on where you live, it could be drilling for hydrofracking. Who, What, Why: Why is ‘the hum’ such a mystery? i had no idea what was happening and was tested by a dr., but all he told me was to ‘take a vacation and relax’. You don’t think because it keeps half the population up, drives them insane and is probably slowing killing everyone that they’d kill the golden goose do ya? Many ceiling fans are notorius for humming when on a speed other than high, and many fans require special dimmers or controls. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mysterious explosions were heard in Brockton, MA, ‘loud explosion’ and ‘sonic boom’ across Nottingham, UK, Ground Shaking, Loud Booms Reported Across Escambia County, Florida. The low-frequency buzz is mostly heard indoors in rural and suburban locations. “Nightline” aired a piece on Friday about a mysterious, low-frequency hum that afflicts many residents of the small village of Woodland in County Durham, England, every night. And there are verified cases in … The smart grid system works from either RF frequencies or pulsing low frequencies on a two-way communication system--most likely this if you are in a suburb or rural area. MacPherson made a World Hum Map and Database, an interactive website where Hum sufferers can report hearings. if i may use this information with your name because this sounds the most logic. We estimate that 2-4% of the global population can experience this phenomenon under certain conditions. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. It was a low hum that only the most sensitive ears could pick, keeping some people awake at night. In search of the thing that goes hum in the night, I’m plagued by a ‘hum’ that no one else hears, Expert has the answer to Woodland village hums, Humming Noises are Earth Breathing Sounds, The Hum: An anomalous sound heard around the world, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, The effects of low frequency noise on people—A review, Hum and otoacoustic emissions may arise out of the same mechanisms, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc3aAnjlb3Q. You have entered an incorrect email address! MacPherson believes the Hum could have four possible sources—VLF radio frequencies between 3 Hz and 30 kHz that interacts with living tissue and the human auditory system in a way the brain interprets as sound; noise pollution generated by human activates such as mining, windmill farms, smelters and blast furnaces, freeway traffic, the electric grid, factories, etc. There is a ton of information available on the machines and the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases). A low resonant humming getting stronger at night etc etc. And from my experience the gov. I hear a constant low frequency hum in my house (like a truck is idol out front). Some people describe it as a low rumbling or droning sound. Do you prefer low-calorie softdrinks or regular ones? A CONSTANT NON STOP LOW FREQUENCY HUM HEARD IN MY HOME. In search of the thing that goes hum in the night – The Independent. Insist that an inspector come with equipment designed to detect low-frequency noises. Hi all, Back in September, I developed an atrocious low frequency humming / vibration sounds in my right ear. It was a low hum that only the most sensitive ears could pick, keeping some people awake at night. Other symptoms include debilitating headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and diarrhea. no cell towers in my area. However, this hasn’t stopped people from claiming to have heard a similar sound. The energy of blue noise is mostly concentrated at the high-frequency end, with very few deep tones to balance it out. In the 1970s hundreds of the city's residents complained to the council that a strange noise was audible at night. there are so many inconsiderate people who play music in vehicles which the base really high. Approximately 2 percent of people in hum-prone locations are able to hear the noise. – The Independent, Expert has the answer to Woodland village hums -The Advertiser Series, Humming Noises are Earth Breathing Sounds – Strange Sounds, Low frequency noise and annoyance – Noise & Health, The Hum: An anomalous sound heard around the world. – BBC News. But it's not the first time the hum has kept Bristol awake. Humming Toadfish Are the Buzz of Sausalito – NBC. You’ll hear snaps and pops in your walls and ceilings. i was living in maple ridge, bc, just an hour east of vancouver. No link has been found between both although medical experts still suggest, it’s a form of tinnitus. Low-frequency sounds die down with air space so it’s conceivable that part of the room has less hum, or if you’re lucky—no hum—that’s where you want to place your bed head. Before long, many other towns across Britain began reporting similar hums. This area was originally a marsh land. A low resonant humming getting stronger at night etc etc. In the 1970s hundreds of the city's residents complained to the council that a strange noise was audible at night. Heard this low frequency noise for the last 2 nights, between 2am and 4am, just thought it was me, but 2 other family members have heard it as … Mysterious humming driving Aucklanders crazy. The symptom: Having a humming, droning, rumbling, throbbing, or vibrating-like sound in your head. I think they are bouncing signals off of each other. Journal of Scientific Exploration, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects – Defra, Low Frequency Noise FAQ – University of Salford, The effects of low frequency noise on people—A review – Journal of Sound and Vibration, Hum and otoacoustic emissions may arise out of the same mechanisms – .Journal of Scientific Exploration, The Phenomenon of Low Frequency Hums – Norfolk Tinnitus Society, Can some people hear the jet stream? We recently had our areas dsl upgraded to 50/100 I really think that dsl over telephone lines is whats causing a lot of this in conjunction with cell towers. Do you have the ELF TOWERS nearby? Humans aren’t supposed to be able to hear at this low of a frequency, but some say … However, there are some instances where this hum is a sound of warning against other, larger issues. Many have reported this sensation.By: sandaura on March 27, 2011 Exposure to low frequency sound waves has a negative effect on human cognitive performance, such as visual functions, concentration and attention. The proper frequency for the hum listed in the following sentence should be 10 hertz (Hz), not 10 MHz (which is in the normal hearing range for people). I have known people that have gone in to deep salt mines and it’s even worse in there. This phenomenon, called spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, is different than auditory disorders such as tinnitus, which causes a ringing in the ears. Mysterious humming driving Aucklanders crazy – New Zealand Herald. The cause for the low-pitched roar is a mystery, although many scientific researchs have been written on the subject. Before long, many other towns across Britain began reporting similar hums. He estimates that up to 4 percent of people worldwide can hear the Hum. My house is a new construction … read more Focus on the way your diaphragm and lungs fill with air and listen only to the sounds of your own breathing. Even though we don't notice it, our ears sometimes create their own noises. And because the sounds are subtle (and because most people are constantly surrounded by sound, whether it's music, television, video games, or just a typical noisy city life) we don't hear them until it's very quiet or we are listening carefully. Probably one of your neighbours who dont like you shooting you with sound/radiation its been happening to me. Singapore’s frigate ‘Stalwart’ source of Wellington hum? Map of Hum sufferers around the world. Also something to do with electromagnetics. The hum is set to a low frequency, that they use to control you humans. “Each one of these can cause a low-frequency hum.” MacPherson continues to investigate the Hum… Insist that an inspector come with equipment designed to detect low-frequency noises. Others say it sounds like a continuous distant thunder. ; terrestrial and geological processes such as earthquakes; and psychological. West Seattle Blog. I did a quick video of it. It's worst at night, making it almost impossible to sleep. I have lived here 12 years and never heard this before. The energy of blue noise is mostly concentrated at the high-frequency end, with very few deep tones to balance it out. And yet for some, the hum is physically manifested by rattling windows and paintings knocking off the walls. Expert says hum is not a sound – Kokomo Tribune. I’ve been a electronics technician for 32 years. For some individuals, the phenomenon was so terrible, it drove them to suicide. i was basically reading lips. Hum is a persistent and invasive low frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people. The “hum” turned out to be a low frequency sound, of about 92 hertz. This article gives some clues of what might produce this annoying and sometimes lethal loud vibration. THE WORLD NEEDS TO HEAR THIS. I believe, that the bank family owner called (“Are all Baals”, in french) that pays for some kind of private or military satelite, to harass me. This strange low frequency hum has also been reported from Canada and England all with the same story only noticeable at night, we don’t have any overhead pylons anywhere near … It’s in your head, that’s why they can’t pick it up on electronics.ive been dealing with this for 27 years. I can hear a low frequency rumbling noise when I'm at home (Wahroonga in Sydney) I can also hear it in several suburbs near me on the north shore of Sydney. Check any dimmer switches you have that control ceiling fans or lights. Humans aren’t supposed to be able to hear at this low of a frequency, but some say … This has been going on for decades in the US. Pretty sure EMFs are part of the cause, as we have symptoms that align with high EMF exposure. Just a thought. It’s not nearby factory ( they shut everything down just to prove this for us, which was actually amazing when you think of it ). I have lived in, and heard this noise in, various small communities in rural Alberta, but one place I never, ever heard it was in Ft. McMurray in NE Alberta. Science writer Benjamin Radford explains the psychological part. All that noise they would emit, this is dangerous because at certain frequencies it can cause health issues. Leading image by Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com, References: # The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/07/windsor-hum-canada-zug-island-united-states # Arstechnica, https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/02/a-mysterious-and-maddening-hum-is-tormenting-residents-of-this-canadian-city/ # Live Science, https://www.livescience.com/43519-taos-hum.html # HG Leventhall, http://www.noiseandhealth.org/article.asp?issn=1463-1741;year=2004;volume=6;issue=23;spage=59;epage=72;aulast=Leventhall # Phy.org, https://phys.org/news/2015-04-source-earth-french-team-views.html # The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/13/what-is-the-mysterious-gl-hum-and-is-it-simply-noise-pollution # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16201210 # New Scientist, https://books.google.co.in/books?id=66VHTgzbIEUC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA868&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false. Most experts attributed it to factory noise or electricity pylons or a medical condition called tinnitus, where affected persons hear sounds when there is none. Not caused by traffic,electricity etc. Residents who allegedly heard it described the noise being the loudest while indoors and at night. In 2012, a science teacher and former lecturer at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Glen MacPherson, began investigating the Hum after falling victim to it. I would guess it is the phony cell towers they put up around the country and THEY are testing them. Reports started trickling in during the 1950s from people who had never heard anything unusual before; suddenly, they were bedeviled by an annoying, low-frequency humming… The World Hum Map and Database – World Hum Database and Mapping Project. In each of these cases, the source of the noise was never positively identified. Having a humming, droning, rumbling, throbbing, vibrating-like, hissing, fizzing, or other types of sounds in your head. Today 29th Aug. 2017 The Hum is a name often given to widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people. 100/120 Hz, depending on the local power-line frequency.The sound often has heavy harmonic content above 50/60 Hz. is it a man ? The bank simbol is the Black Stone Block of Meca. In Taos, Researchers Can Hum It, but They Can’t Name That Sound, Report: Windsor Hum Likely From Zug Island “Blast Furnace Operations, Windsor Hum is real but its source remains unknown, Humming Toadfish Are the Buzz of Sausalito, ‘The Hum’ followup: CalPortland installs second silencer, Seattle ‘Hum’ May Be Due To Midshipman Fish That Produce Sound For Mating, West Seattle’s now-famous ‘Hum’: Apparently NOT a fish’s fault”.
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