You can do anything you want to do and still give yourself a great chance at winning the tournament. Use the search engine or browse with the built in Deck Hub link. A turn-3 kill combo is now available in Standard. When you’re 50 points away from a second bye for the next season, and there’re only two weeks left in […] boros blitz jund aggro jund midrange junk reanimator kings games Magic matt jones modern standard uwr flash. This is much closer than the previous, but I still think Jund is superior. Aggro Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 every game and 3 lands on turn 3 for several 3-drops 23 2.08-2.40 Aggro Deck - You need 3 lands on turn 3 in most games. With throne of eldraine it has also become possible to play a new deck: Jund sacrifice aggro. It isn’t some silver bullet, but merely an OK card to replace a bad one with. Jund Aggro bnjy99 MTGO Standard PTQ 3-4 23/11/19 Jund Aggro Paul Herr WPNQ 1 16/11/19 Jund Aggro romanmy MTGO Standard League 5 31/10/19 Jund Aggro Swarm_OF_Mats MTGO Standard League 3 28/10/19 Jund Sacrifice L1X0 MTGO Standard 4 Card Kingdom 198.46 - 200.78 . Verdict: I certainly wouldn’t want more than 1 or 2 of these guys, but in the matches where CC is invalidated or just plain bad, this guy can come in as a replacement and not stink up the joint. Share. Verdict: Meh, very narrow usage, but stopping a Cryptic Command usually gives you a huge advantage. From the testing I’ve done, Sygg and Bloodbraid Elf are the life-blood of the deck and make it into a true monster by replenishing its force. affiliated with TCGplayer are linked with their affiliate ID. Now assuming you buy into the reformation of the mana for Jund, let’s go over why it becomes a better choice than its two closest competitors: B/R Aggro and G/B Elves. Primal Command: Another anti-aggro tool, that also can double as anti-Swans* in a limited sense. Spells 1 x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship 3 x Heart of Kiran 1 x Aethersphere Harvester 2 x … The second thing this means is more weight is placed on the rest of the deck to pick up the slack for missing our one-drop. Only Mistbind Clique is truly a disaster if you can’t shut it down before attacking into it, and even then you can get bailed out of that via Colossal Might. Main » Articles » Jund Aggro Deck Tech. Thoughtseize gets pretty bad after turn five except for very specific circumstances, and the life-loss isn’t a non-factor when combined with Putrid Leech. Rhythm of the Wild (RNA), Here’s a few example decklists in case your not familiar with the version I’m talking about: You’ll note the main difference between the two is my removal of Kitchen Finks in exchange for more creature removal, pump and Sygg. Drana, Liberator of Malakir. If the deck is illegal the format text will become red text and an (Illegal) text is displayed instead of a price tag. I wouldn’t run it unless I explicitly knew the best players were running Cryptic decks. Vs. Jund Sacrifice. Wren’s Run Vanquisher and Putrid Leech can just dominate a game. The hypergeometric MTG calculator can describe the likelihood of any number of successes when drawing from a deck of Magic cards. Rekindling Phoenix (RIX), Checkout Acquireboard. Bloodbraid Elf provides Jund with a very powerful threat and is considered to be the best top ender in the manacurve for Jund. All in good condition lightly played always in sleeves. showing, decks without sideboard don't require much height while Commander decks take up a lot of vertical space. Share. aggro hour of devastation jund. 29 7 0 24. I’m so sorry everyone. Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN), April 26, 2019. Seize is good against Swans, not awful in the mirror and batters any version running Cruel Ultimatum by yanking it before it becomes the swing factor they were counting on. Very night almost brand new ultimate guard 4 pocket zip folio black with Jund food Mono Black Aggro side deck cards lot. Card Kingdom 358.15 - 374.25 . It cuts into three precious land slots in an already tight mana-base to optimize a situation which only three decks will likely create (Lark, Doran and B/W Tokens). This article is already pretty long, so next week we’ll take a look at some of the more uncommon possibilities and narrow down a board as well as going more in-depth with the actual matches. So why do I like Jund Aggro now versus when it was new, shiny and had a little surprise value? Where the old Jund decks had a hodge-podge of pain lands and CIPT annoyances, this new version effectively runs only 7 of the latter and none of the pains.
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