Species plants feature two-lipped, tubular, trumpet-shaped, bicolor flowers with broadly 5-winged calyxes. Torenia has historically been grown from seed as a short lived plant, but Blue Magic does not set seed, so the large, attractive blue flowers are produced over a long period. Every month, feed your soil a nice compost to keep your torenia blooming bountifully. It is also known as bluewings or wishbone flower. Summers can be so hard on flowering plants. They will perform best when planted in partial shade. The torenia spilled out of the pot and draped beautifully around it, longer and fuller than anticipated, and they filled any gap in the geraniums. Best climate: In colder areas choose a sheltered north facing position, for example near a brick wall, to trap warmth in winter. Torenia flowers are not as common around the world as other flowering plant varieties. Torenia (Torenia fournieri) is a low growing flowering annual plant. In fact the seedheads are quite pleasing to the sight. Removing spent bloom heads or “deadheading” is not really necessary to improve the appearance of your torenia plants. It won’t hurt if you take the time to pinch off dead blooms to allow room for new growth. 'Summer Wave' torenia can tolorate the sun and heat better than the typical torenia. Using a balance 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer, fertilize torenia plants once every month. While torenia is generally considered an annual, it should be able to overwinter in zones 10-11. To grow torenia in containers, use a rich, well draining soil. Among all the types of Torenia flowers, Torenia fournieri is the most common and the most popular type. Torenia is related to snapdragons and foxglove. Summer Wave® torenia plants prefer a moist, fertile soil but will tolerate occasional lapses in watering. Historically , Torenia are native to Africa and Asia. The technique of rooting in water is a simple propagation technique that ensures enough moisture gets to … Pinch back to promote bushiness and bloom production. Remove spent flower heads to keep plants flowering until fall. Another important point to note is the fact that potting mixes can be easily washed out of the container during watering. Torenia is an annual blooming flower that starts flowering in early of the summer and. Due to their small bloom size, they look best in groupings of the same color. Torenia continues to bloom heartily, even in hot and humid summers. With that, the plant is deer-resistant and a source of attraction for hummingbirds. A number of cultivars of Torenia fournieri are also available that make this type of Torenia flower one of the biggest groups of Torenia flowers. Torenia also grows well in hanging baskets and other containers using a commercial potting mix. In some cases though, plants may self-seed so watch for tiny seedlings in the spring. Planting and Care. Water often enough to keep the soil moist. This resemblance can be seen in the shape of the flower. No doubt , they are good choices for boarders. Torenia fournieri, commonly called wishbone flower, is a bushy annual that typically grows 6-12” tall and is noted for its ability to bloom well in shady conditions. Also, pinch off the dying bounty of blooms each week to make room for new growth. Try planting ‘Nema-Gone’ marigolds around your plants. Facts about Torenia. In addition, they are also hardy to 28 degrees. It was constantly in bloom, a rich green and bright violet plant with a little bit of an exotic look.. ... Do not plant into infested soil, plant in containers with fresh container mix. It is easy to propagate too. with minimal deadheading keeps up blooming till fall. 'Summer Wave' is a cross between the creeping native species and the typical torenia. Apply compost to the potting mix on a regular basis to keep your torenia blooming.
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