Nevermind, after a little searching it IS legal to own a fox. Let the fox go or give it to a wildlife rehab. I have a friend who owns a pet fox and lived in Illinois where they are legal, but moved to Utah to go to school and had to leave her fox behind with her family. The Animal Control bylaw includes them under exotic pets. Wold foxes would also be very unhappy in a human home. 5. Plus it would be cruel to keep a wild animal cooped up, but raised from a baby it wouldn't know any different. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 31, 2020: Fennecs aren't legal in AZ. I see breeders posting announcements how they are sorry that they can't sell to state residents, discussion boards on how this was a recent change(not entirely sure if that's true, but I read it), and how the laws specifying this fox are very fuzzy when asked about, even for the people that created said laws. note: ” As long as you purchase the fox from a legal game farm and DO NOT take it from the wild, it is legal to own one. Brendon Thorne / Getty Images But just because something is cute, doesn’t mean you need to own it. Your permit and enclosure must be obtained prior to the purchase of your fox. Could you also provide me the link (law website) where you found that information concerning fox pets? Joanne. Are alpacas legal to own as pets in AZ? Not every fox is legal in every state; some require permits and in some areas none are legal. 6 years ago. I'm not the only one who has been begging for them to be legal in Texas. Answer Save. Where is it from? Keeping animals for their companionship is something that has developed slowly throughout cultures over the years. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has promulgated 220-2-.26 which, among other things prohibits the possession of foxes brought in from other states. If yes, which species are legal and which aren't out of these : fennec, arctic, red foxes. A law was passed that any fully automatic weapon constructed before then was legal to own. (licence) You can only get this type licence when and if you pass this and more. Generally, wherever exotic pets are permitted. Don't risk having to give up your pet if he's not allowed in your community. 2 comments. North Africa. A small, nocturnal fox with ADORABLE large ears. 5 Exotic Animals that Are Legal to Own as Pets in Canada Humans have kept animals as pets for over 12,000 years. Records suggest that in much of the U.S., red foxes were introduced from Europe and expanded throughout the country. The Alabama Administrative Code contains regulations promulgated by various Alabama State entities. A fast way to see if they are legal is to search for a breeder located in your state, if there is then great, that means they are legal in your state, but they still may require a permit or license to own. Source: The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is likely not native to Indiana. This is in line with a growing number of Instagram-famous foxes like Juniper Fox (one million followers), Penny the Fox (30k) and Yui and Enn (also 30k). Is this legal in Michigan? I can't seem to find anything on this, thanks. Wallabies. I really want to get one as a pet but from what I can tell they're illegal to own. I’m blessed that I live in a state in which it is legal to own a fox. 0 0. Foxes aren't part of the legal list, therefore, not legal to import nor own in the province of Newfoundland. The Kansas administration regulation 115-20-3 states that anyone can own a fennec fox pet provided that it has been acquired in a legal manner. Any legal way to own a Fox in the state of Georgia? I've loved foxes my whole life so far, so of course I'd give anything to have one as a pet. you'll have to call the SPCA top find out. Having a hedgehog as a pet is just like having hamsters or guinea pigs because they need a cage, hiding place, food, and water. He's small, adorable and sports huge ears. Is it legal to own a pet arctic fox in Michigan? Are there any sort of permits you can get that would allow me to own one? The Arctic Fox and Red Fox are legal to own. Not in Utah. Favourite answer. This is your proof that you did … Fortunately for your curiosity, every state has exotic animal laws which allow, restrict, or prohibit ownership of certain types of animals. read more. A person who owns a captive bred fox is required to maintain the receipt obtained when the animal was purchased. A fox you can own any where! I'm already guessing it's a big No, but I'm just asking to make sure. I think it'd be interesting to own a pet fox, an arctic one in particular. They are tiny and weigh between 2 and 4 pounds. If you lose your heart to a fennec fox, use your head and check with your state wildlife agency to see if you can legally own this tiny creature. anonymous on July 29, 2020: are those cutie fennecs legal to keep as a pet here in AZ. Let’s all agree on one thing; foxes are very cute. 4 years ago. I want one very badly, but won't be able to have one for a couple more years anyway, but if Michigan cant have them i dont want to get my hopes up. But I know it would be more trouble then it's worth. I would like to reside in British Columbia on account that I suppose Vancouver Island is quite incredible. Red foxes likely moved into Indiana with European settlers, possibly in the mid-1800s. They look so snuggly that you can hardly imagine them in their native environment, the Sahara Desert. Their golden and dense coat usually has a black tip - all of their physical characteristics allow them to adapt to desert conditions. Also, the fox must be kept in a pen at all times that meets the minimum requirements as listed in the regulations pamphlet; the fox "may not be kept in any part of a building or home where people live unless receiving temporary health care. A fennec fox is legal to own anywhere in the United States except Minnesota, Missouri, Washington, and Nevada. Lv 5. If you are importing the pet it will need to be quarantined for 30 days and must qualify for a health certificate. Relevance. To own a Gray Fox, you must obtain a permit and abide by the  Captive Wild Animal Order . Thanks! 5 Answers. While foxes are technically legal to possess in the state of Kentucky, they are also illegal to import into the state. No, it is not legal to have them in Edmonton. Hate to tell you they don't come cheap. Anyone who dreams of caring for an unusual or exotic pet may wonder if their dream pet is a possibility. The fennec fox is adorable and has ears that go on forever! Answer (1 of 2): I would advise not a wild fox. 10. Anonymous. save. NEW BRUNSWICK Are foxes legal YES (but strictly captive-bred colours of the Red fox; they cannot be left to run free out of the owner's property). Go buy a dog or cat that looks like a fox. I am curious to know if it's legal to own foxes as pets in Ontario. Hedgehog. Yes, it is indeed legal to keep a fennec fox as a pet, and you do not need a special licence to do so. She is trying to get the laws changed, but as of right now it is not legal to have a pet as a fox in Utah. 0 0. It is legal for a U.S. citizen (21 years old) to own a minigun. Fox 9's Ted Haller looks into the legality of making your own whiskey (FOX 9) - Minnesota has seen a boom in both breweries and distilleries. Prospective owners should know these laws before taking on a new pet. It is said they look like Pokemon. Please contact the DNR and review your city laws before bringing home a Gray Fox. It may carry desease, fleas, ticks, worms, etc. Close. However, it may be possible to import and own a bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). Posted by 8 years ago. However, it is worth talking to your neighbours and ensuring that they do not have a problem with it, and to carefully consider if your home and the surrounding area that you live in will prove a suitable environment for a fennec fox. Self. Archived. Further question; is it legal to take a cub, or should I buy one from a breeder? The Fennec Fox may or may not be as it is not listed. 9. Wyoming You can own foxes in Wyoming and most other exotics. I've also contacted Animal Control in the past for a more specifics regarding exotic pets, … share. Where is it legal to own? Cuz when i grow up i want one as a pet. Over the past five years, searches for ‘where to get a fox’ have gone up notably on Google. Plus it's spring. The information provided in this answer does not create an attorney-client relationship and is not considered to be legal advice. Self. I've been doing my research and i've found out that in Russia they breed Arctic foxes and have domsticated them for house pets.
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