It has one of the of longest migration routes of all birds — doing upto 22,000 km in a year — from eastern Asia all the way to Southern Africa and back. The Amur Falcon is a complete, long distance, trans-equatorial migrant (Bildstein 2006). Doyang reservoir in Wokha district of Nagaland gained prominence as these raptors congregate in huge numbers here. The Amur falcon is small, about the size of a pigeon. Amur Falcon is protected under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and Convention on Migratory Species, besides being listed on the Appendix II of CITES. Special lessons were introduced in local schools to teach children all about the Amur falcon and why it was important to preserve the bird. The Amur Falcon’s arrival has sparked excitement and joy within these communities, who not long ago, were hunting the species. It represents a unique and irreplaceable part of the rich biodiversity of Nagaland’. Until around 2012, Yangthan, 38, would kill about 150 Amur falcons a … The Amur Falcon has one of the longest raptor migrations, but is also unique because it supposedly flies a long distance over the sea. Based on his tweet, the Amur Falcon covers a total of 22,000 km by flying. This is a documentation of the shocking massacre of tens of thousands of migratory Amur falcons (Falco amurensis) in the remote state of Nagaland in India’s northeast.We estimate that during the peak migration 12,000 – 14,000 birds are being hunted for consumption and commercial sale everyday. Campaign Details: Shocking Amur Falcon Massacre in Nagaland! Nagpur: Following TOI report about the unusual sighting of migratory bird Amur Falcon in Pench tiger reserve, some birdwatchers have brought to the notice that the bird is not new to the region. Awareness campaigns were also conducted among the … Thungdemo Yangthan is more than happy to show you around Pangti village, especially the roosting sites of the Amur falcon along the Doyang reservoir. It’s a little grey raptor, with beady eyes and a yellow beak. Naga, Pangati and Wokha. The Amur falcon is a small raptor of the falcon family that breeds in Siberia and Northern China and migrates to winter in Southern Africa. The Amur falcon has a large range with a stable population and is noteworthy for undertaking one of the most arduous annual migrations of any bird of prey. Along their way, they make a pit stop in India – in Nagaland, specifically. It also is unusual in migrating over sea and migrates during the night (Meyburg 2010). He mentions that Nagaland is known for million Amur falcons coming to the state each year and that is why it is also known as the Amur faclon capital of the world. Abu Dhabi, 10 November 2020 - In October each year, communities in the mountainous parts of Northeast India, gather in anticipation of the arrival of a small grey bird, the Amur Falcon, which annually migrates over 30,000 km. But don't mistake him for your usual tourist guide. Every winter, tens of thousands of these birds make the long journey from Russia to southern Africa, migrating south for the summer. Amur Falcon drew the world’s attention to Pangti Village under Wokha district where about a million raptors stopover for two months (October-November) during …
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