A partir del mes de julio de 2020 no se admitirán más artículos para esta sección. It serves as an outlet for manuscripts and brief reports of interdisciplinary applied research which advance knowledge about global threats to the well-being of individuals, groups, families and communities. Volume 1 Number 1; Volume 2 Number 3; Volume 2 Number 4; Volume 3 Number 1; Volume 3 Number 2; Volume 3 Number 3; Volume 3 Number 4 Yet, the offering of whole degrees online is reducing the complexities of teaching and learning to transferable skills to be applied in the labour market (Martin & Peim 2011; Tomusk 2004),... ‘By 2020, the question of whether and how to internationalise social work curriculum will have vanished from professional discourse’. The social work programs as they evolve are not homogenous and the English-, Dutch-, French- and Spanish-speaking countries all have different approaches to the delivery of social work education. Recently, web-based social work education as well as continuing education programs have been expanding. ��� Introduction . Alongside this a human rights discourse was rapidly sinking into a security discourse. The SW&S-Journal is an Open Access Publication that is available free of charge. The background for all these social-political changes was chaotic organisation of market relations and rapid social stratification. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time. Clinical Social Work Journal: This journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups. However, to make ‘globalisation’ a synonym for Westernisation, Americanisation or capitalism is an incorrect Eurocentric view of world society. Springer Nature. More importantly, the chapter aims to analyse the contemporary features of social work, both as a discipline within higher education, and as a form of professional education with a primary task of preparing students for a variety of roles in ‘real world’ social work. There has been disgruntlement around issues of relevance and appropriateness of social work in Africa. Due to this divide, there is little consensus and holistic identity about the Caribbean in terms of history, problems, resources, policies, and programs and this has influenced social work education as it developed in the countries of the region (Dolly-Besson et al. This is because such helping is provided as charitable good neighbourliness or kindness displayed to strangers rather than that provided by specially trained professionals who... Neoliberalism, fuelled by the profit motive and the exponential rise in the use of information technology in offering cross-border education, has serious implications for social work education where process, relationship building, reflexivity and ethical reasoning and practices are core. We have developed a model called Intercultural Social Intervention Model (ISIM) which is the central axis (theoretical and practical) of our educational program. September 2020. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Its major focus is on the interaction between processes of globalisation and the development of social welfare at national level, as well as social work and community development locally. GO TO SECTION. The result is that a new and distinctive approach to social work practice known as developmental social work has emerged. Thanks to the trust of thousands received from renowned authors and universities. That is, what is social work and its praxis, and what, if any, shared understandings or unifying philosophy... Social work (understood here to include social work and social pedagogy) is a young profession and owes its legitimacy, status and economic standing primarily to developments after World War 2. In our program we teach professionals to advocate for vulnerable groups, making them aware of processes for implementing empowerment at an individual and collective level, in different countries and multicultural social contexts. The Impact of Social Media on Student Academic Life in Higher Education 9 Social work education and family in Latin America: a case study, 10 Social work education in the Caribbean: charting pathways to growth and globalisation, 11 Social work education and training in southern and east Africa: yesterday, today and tomorrow, 12 The current status and future challenges of social work education in South Korea, 13 Social work education in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia, 14 Social work education in the United States: beyond boundaries, 15 Social work education in the United Kingdom, 16 International social work education: the Canadian context, 17 Economic crises, neoliberalism, and the US welfare state: trends, outcomes and political struggle, 18 The Nordic welfare model, civil society and social work, 19 Social work education in the post-socialist and post-modern era: the case of Ukraine. Curry, S., & Petering, R. (2017). Developmental social work emphasizes the role of social investment in professional practice. All Rights Reserved. Part of Haruhiko Sakaguchi, Vishanthie Sewpaul, A comparison of social work education across South Africa and Japan in relation to the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training, International Journal of Social Welfare, 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2009.00625.x, 20, 2, (192-202), (2009). The SW&S-Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year. Book Description: Global Social Work: Crossing Borders, Blurring Boundaries is a collection of ideas, debates and reflections on key issues concerning social work as a global profession, such as its theory, its curricula, its practice, its professional identity; its concern with human rights and social activism, and its future directions. The region encompasses the former Soviet Union republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and countries that have become part of the European Union in 2004 (Czech Republic,... China is undergoing rapid social and economic transformation as a result of the introduction of the Open Door Economic Policy since the late 1970s. The journal aims to advance theoretical understanding, shape policy, and inform practice, and welcomes submissions from all areas of social work. Resident perspectives on life in a transitional living program for homeless young adults. While previous pioneers of social work laboured hard to get the profession established, national social policy gave them little support at the time, be it in Europe, the US, or elsewhere. Even though many of the interviewed social workers and NGO actors describe undocumented immigrants' conditions of life as an important question in general, most of them fail to link global transformations to the global field of social work and recognise the link between undocumented immigrants' everyday social problems and the global structural transformations. Child & Family Social Work: With a focus on children and families, this journal provides social workers with current issues and archives of the most recent issues. Social services did not enjoy a high priority then, since social policy’s prime concern was to broadly establish social insurance systems and to better safeguard the population against the risks of capitalism. Instead there will be ‘a long overdue recognition that all is global and that it is counterproductive to divide what is local from what is international’ (Healy 2002, 179). If we take a close look at Earth as an elaborate ecosystem in which we live, we realize its intricate beauty; it produces everything it needs to survive andnaturally reuses and recycles all the organic waste it produces. introduction. Objective: Social workers can help mitigate the human consequences of global environmental change but need an evidence base for appropriate response strategies. This prescription, we argue, introduces tensions as to how... With an explosive demand for social workers for service in health care, mental health, social services, and other areas, the education of social workers currently enjoys a dynamic confluence of development and historical contribution. This chapter will primarily consider Denmark and Norway. This journal brings together research that informs the fields of global social work, social development, and social welfare policy and practice. In the 1970s, African scholars (Midgley 1981; Ragab 1982; Safari 1986; Kaseke 1991; Hall 1990; Mupedziswa 1992; Osei-Hwedie 1993b) began to express discontent regarding the type of social work that was being ‘foisted’ on the people of the continent. Approximately... Social work education posits itself both as a universal (global) and local endeavour. At that time in the state which had just seceded from the USSR and announced its independence, there was a simultaneous process of social services development, social work emerging as an academic discipline, and formation of civic society institutes – in other words, all those things which did not exist during the socialist time. This is the case for many reasons such as: the growing awareness of the global nature of social issues (Caragata & Sanchez 2002); neoliberal globalisation of the economy and university participation in it; and a long history of international social work practice by professionals in the global north working in the global south (Healy 2008). For this latter group, social workers are those who have graduated from a bachelor or... South Asia is home to over one-fifth of the world’s population, making the region both the most populous and most densely populated geographical region in the world. Social work education must be underscored by an emancipatory pedagogy, designed to engage students as active social citizens, skilled in the art of truly being there for the other (Bauman 1993). ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. Therefore, the complete absence of a political charter in the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development (IASSW, ICSW, IFSW 2012) gives cause for concern. The International Journal of Social Welfare will cover and initiate crucial theoretical and methodological debates of importance for the future of social ��� Ku and Sibin Wang, Maureen Wilson, Avery Calhoun and Elizabeth Whitmore, (For EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero, Mendeley...), 1 Towards identifying a philosophical basis of social work, 2 Transnational social work: a new paradigm with perspectives, 3 Transcending disciplinary, professional and national borders in social work education, 4 Educating social workers without boundaries through the Intercultural Social Intervention Model (ISIM), 6 Envisioning a professional identity: charting pathways through social work education in India, 7 Social work education in Indonesia: challenges and reforms. The social work profession���s core mandates include promoting social change, social development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people.
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