The interviewers want to hear that you care for their institution, and for the target group.I suggest you to talk about your desire to help people—the particular group of people you’d work … When social workers help people, they do not just appear in their lives for a few minutes with words of encouragement. The number of populations is vast and are based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexuality, disability, and location," Woods explained. "You can have a significant impact in people's lives in different but meaningful ways. In other words, social workers touch on key social justice issues, such as poverty, disability, inequality, and child abuse. Why Choose the Social Work Profession? Show you’re still glad to be doing it! You don’t need to be some child prodigy. My need comes from … At the end of the day though, I love what I do and new people who meet me when they ask what I do say things like "ah, I can totally see that. That way, you’ll be more comfortable and confident when answering. Few people have the insight into these issues that social workers do. Maybe you saw a documentary or even an online video (like YouTube) that highlighted a certain career or profession, and got you interested. Do I Need a Master’s to be a Social Worker? You can certainly come up with your own story, too. If you are looking for a career with diversity and meaning, consider social work. There are so many possibilities that go unnoticed — and that's what makes it amazing.". So you DO need to seem like this is a career that you care about it and want to be in. Don’t feel pressure to say this if it’s not true. "There is nothing more rewarding and satisfying than helping a client solve a problem or supporting them through a hard time in their life," Woods said. How to Answer “Why Did You Choose … "Within a career in social work, you play an essential role in the bigger picture of how our society treats its most vulnerable people.". Social workers can use their knowledge of the system to change it from the inside out. They aid people in substantive ways, helping them through major difficulties, such as poverty, substance abuse, and addiction. Social Work is a passion, a drive to help others and to make a … This sense that you are making a real difference is one of the reasons why social workers continue careers that are otherwise challenging. The key is to end your answer by saying you discovered you really enjoy this job. No, not to help people, but to make a difference in the lives of the people all around me. They want to see actual job-related reasons you’re excited to come work for them. Finally, is the range of opportunities for a social worker in the field of social work. We asked our members why they became a social worker and here are some of the responses we received. Social workers make a difference in individuals' lives, which also leads to change at the systemic level. Additionally, social workers have a wide variety of work settings to choose from. What Are the Highest Paying Specialities in Social Work? "By supporting, advocating, empowering, and educating others, you inherently do the same for yourself," said Rumina Morris, social worker and diversity consultant. It doesn’t have to be a health-related example, either. This last reason for why you chose this job or career is pretty open-ended. White also writes on her travel blog. So to conclude, I’m going to give you some things you should NOT say…. But you DO NOT need to seem like you’re obsessed with it. Etc. This isn’t an interview question you want to be caught off-guard by, or have no response for. Now let’s look at some word-for-word sample answers for why you chose this career. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "We can be therapists, doulas, policy analysts, community health advocates, diversity trainers and facilitators, juvenile court liaisons, special needs teachers, and more," White said. My passion stems from years of abuse and neglect. Many social workers choose the field exactly for these reasons. You just can’t seem like you’re miserable or have no interest whatsoever. Social work is the helping profession. The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. We all go to work for money – the hiring manager gets it. I suggest pick whatever’s the closest to the truth for you. It’s best to tell the truth when answering interview questions about why you chose this job, why you’re passionate about this career, etc. that is to steal peoples children for adoption & foster profits. I get it (and the hiring manager does too) – work is just one part of life. Why would a company hire you if you don’t sound excited about the work you’d be doing?
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